Page 55 of Slay

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Closing my eyes, I tried not to think about what I had done last night. At least not right now. I would think about it later. When I was gone. Not while I was still naked in King’s room. I wanted to remember it. I would remember it often. Just not at the moment. This was not the place.

Especially since he had left me here without a word. Granted, it was late, and it was a Saturday. Maybe he had gone to Maeme’s for breakfast. Wouldn’t he have woken me up to go there?

Dropping the blankets, I tossed them aside and slid over to get out of the bed. Staying here in the dark was silly. I should go. What we had done was just sex. We’d had a weird night. It was over.

My reality was back. Although my reality was going to suck even more than it had already. Now that I’d experienced a night in King’s arms and in his bed, knowing what it was like to orgasm while having sex and not just once, being held and treated as if I was special…yeah, that had ruined me. Life would be easier if I’d never known what that was like.

I felt my way to the en suite and flicked on the lights, then squinted against the brightness in the luxurious white bathroom. My eyes went to the massive tub with its fancy jets. I’d taken a bath in there last night. When I had gotten out, King had wrapped me in a fluffy towel, then carried me to bed and held me until I fell asleep. Yes, I was in fact ruined.

Trying to not think about King, I took a white robe from the hook by the door and slipped it on. I still wasn’t sure where my clothes were. After I had it tied on at the waist, I used the bathroom, worked my fingers through my curls the best I could without my conditioning spray and comb, then put some toothpaste on my finger and did the best I could with my teeth.

The sound of the bedroom door opening caused me to freeze and stare at myself in the mirror, trying to decide what to do. It was King. It had to be King. But…did I thank him? Ask for a ride to the house? Apologize for sleeping late?

Before I could think of what to do, his large form filled the doorway. My gaze swung to his, and the smile on his chiseled face instantly eased my anxiety that had been about to spin out of control.

“I brought breakfast,” he said, then nodded his head back toward the bedroom. “Come eat.”

“I didn’t mean to sleep so late,” I said.

He shrugged. “You were tired. I had worn you out. Maeme sent you waffles to recover. She never makes them on Saturdays. You’re special.”

My eyes flew open wide, and I covered my mouth in horror. Had he told her what we had done? Oh God, what did Maeme think of me?

The deep chuckle that came from him had me gaping at him. Why was he laughing?

“Relax, sweets. She doesn’t know. I was teasing you.”

I narrowed my eyes as I dropped my hand from my face. “That wasn’t funny,” I accused.

He took a step toward me and tilted his head. “Yeah, it was.” The twinkle in his blue eyes made it hard to stay mad at him. “Come eat with me.” He held out his hand.

“You didn’t eat already?” I asked.

“I wanted to eat with you,” he replied.

Giving in, I slipped my hand into his and watched as his fingers closed over mine before walking toward him.

“Are you naked under that robe?” he asked me as I reached his side.

I glanced down at it, then back at him. “I didn’t know where my clothes were.”

His eyes dropped to the gaping neckline. “I know what I want for dessert.”

I tensed up as he pulled me into the bedroom and toward the sofa, where a large, covered tray sat on the coffee table in front of it.

“I need to go downstairs and get drinks. You want coffee? Juice?” he asked.

“Coffee,” I replied, “but I can go get it.”

He shook his head. “You’re not going downstairs like that. I’ll get it. Cream and sugar?”

I didn’t bother asking about Splenda and almond milk, so I nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

He took the cover off the tray, revealing two plates sitting there, full of Maeme’s biscuits, bacon, cheese grits, and tomato gravy. On the third plate was four of her thick, fluffy waffles stacked on it.

“Go ahead and get started. I’ll be right back,” he told me before turning and heading for the door.

I watched him go, wondering if any man alive had ever looked that good in jeans. He wore them so well. I’d had sex with him. That gorgeous man…I’d straddled his face. I still couldn’t believe I had done it, but oh wow. That experience had been life-altering. Taking a deep breath, I tried to stop thinking about it. I didn’t want him returning to me looking hot and bothered. He was acting so normal. As if the fact that we had slept together was no big deal. He knew the Mafia had possibly killed Hill and could be after me. He knew I was being hunted, but he was acting as if that wasn’t a fact. Like what we had done was okay.
