Page 73 of Delicate

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“Hi,” I say.


I scratch the back of my head. I had a whole damn speech ready, and my mind is now blank. “Shit, I suck at this. I’m sorry, Maia. What I said on the ride home was uncalled for. I’m an ass, and I’m so sorry.” I take a few steps forward. “I came to your apartment that night, hoping I could take you aside and apologize, but when that didn’t happen and time slipped by…it only got harder.”

I take another couple of steps. “I’m a dumbass. Every one of my siblings called me one, so believe me, I know I am.”

Maia cracks a smile, and I inch closer.

“But they also made me realize I’m hopelessly in love with you, Mi. And I hope it’s not too late for us.”

Maia says nothing as she looks away and covers her mouth with one hand. When she looks back at me, tears shine in her eyes under the moonlight. “You are?”

I step in front of her and hook one finger under her chin, tilting her face up to me. “Completely. I’m fucking scared as hell, Mi. I’m so fucking scared. But I can’t deny it anymore. I’ve been miserable without you. All I want is you. As my girl. Please.”

Maia wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my face down to meet hers. Our lips brush, and sparks fly. “Finally, you dumbass.” And then she kisses me with all her passion, all her love for me, and I let it swallow me whole.

I drown in the feel of her as my hands grab at her waist and pull her flush against me. I groan when our bodies fit together perfectly.

We’re breathless when we break apart. “I’ve wasted so much time. Please forgive me.” I kiss her again and again.

“We’ve got all the time in the world, don’t you worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Move to Florida with me when we graduate.”

Maia leans back and looks up at me with so many questions in her beautiful eyes. “We’ll figure it out later. Just say yes. Join my wild family. They all love you. I fucking love you, Mi.”

“I love you too, Rhett. So fucking much.” She kisses me over and over, our tongues dueling with one another. When she pulls away, she smiles up at me, and my fucking knees go weak.

My fucking knees go weak.

This damn girl has me all fucked up.

“I’d love to move to Florida with you,” Maia whispers, and all my stresses, all my worries, lift off my shoulders.

“My roots are your roots, Mi. They’ll grow together and create something beautiful. I just know it,” I say.

I pick her up and spin her around.

Her laughter carries through the air, and I’m so fucking happy. Just like I hoped.

Just like I pictured.




The last several weeks before graduation are blissful. Rhett and I spend lots of time together, and he continues visiting the orphanage with me.

I still can’t believe I’m moving across the country with him. Our friends are sad we’re leaving but happy for us. For me, a lot of it is bittersweet.

Leaving the only place I’ve ever known and saying goodbye to the children who are beyond special to me is painful. That orphanage became like a second home for me.

“What are you thinking about?” Rhett asks as we float on our surfboards in the gentle waves. There hasn’t been much for us to ride today with there being no wind.

But it’s peaceful out here. Only the sounds of far-off voices, distant laughter, and the lap of the water at our sides.

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