Page 70 of Delicate

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I can’t get off the beach fast enough. I wish I never saw him, or my heart wouldn’t be in shambles. I run toward the orphanage, the only place I feel like I can get away from it all and forget my broken heart.

Only a couple more months until graduation and you won’t ever have to see him again.

He’s leaving.

You’re staying.

Eventually, this will all be over.

And I’ll have learned to never trust anyone with my heart again.

Chapter 24


Zoey: You’re a dumbass.

Rhett: Wow, nice to hear from you, lil sis.

Zoey: How the fuck did you screw shit up with Maia?

Rhett: How do you know? Ryan doesn’t have a big mouth.

Zoey: So you tell him but not me? Nice, BRO.

Rhett: Suddenly, you want to know about my life? Since when?

Zoey: Since you somehow managed to swing a girl like Maia.

Rhett: You still haven’t answered my question.

Zoey: Duh, social media. It’s not hard to find people and message them.

Rhett: What did she say?

Zoey: Wouldn’t you like to know?

Emily: You’re an idiot.

Rhett: Ugh, you know I hate group chats.

Emily: Get your act together then.

Rhett: You two don’t know what you’re talking about.

Emily: Yah we do.

Zoey: Stop being a shitass and just admit you love Maia. We’re coming for graduation, and we’re bringing her home with us.

Hell, what do you even know about love? Ugh what do I even know about it? I lost the only person I’ve even considered loving.

Kate: Get out of your own way, dude. She’s a catch.

Rhett: Jeez, is everyone in this damn chat?

Ryan: Sorry bro, Zoey made me do it.

Melissa: Not everyone.

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