Page 49 of Delicate

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“That’s awesome. I love all types of books and believe they all deserve to be celebrated in some way.”

“And how would one celebrate them?”

“By reading them, talking about them, you know. Giving them the love and attention they deserve. Authors pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their stories.”

Rhett glances at me while trying to keep his eyes on the road. “You say it like you are one.”

I shrug. “Just passionate about how I feel. I’ve thought about writing, but I don’t think I have the patience or discipline to sit down and write a whole ass book.”

“Hey, you never know what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.”

“You sound like a professor.”

“You love telling me what I sound like, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I lie and bite my lip to hide my smirk.

“Ha, yes, you do. I’ll be sure to point it out next time.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Back to our game. Favorite number?”

“Seven. You?”


“Really? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say one before.”

“Well, I’m unique.” Rhett puffs out his chest, and we both dissolve into a fit of laughter.

“One is the loneliest number. It doesn’t sound unique to me. It sounds lonely,” I say with a teasing smirk.

“Yeah, because that’s really unique. Repeating the same old sayings? Not so much.”

“Well, isn’t that funny. Mr. I have all the sayings in the world can’t take any shot back his way? Typical.”

“That is facts.”

We both erupt into laughter.

We spend the next few hours talking up a storm, from our favorite memory as a kid to our favorite college class. When it’s time to finally stop for dinner, my cheeks are on fire from laughing so hard. I run to the bathroom on shaky legs, afraid pee is going to run down my legs any second now.

After stuffing our face with burgers and fries, we’re back on the road for a few more hours. I look up motels in the area we’ll be stopping in overnight and find one on the cheaper side but not too sketchy.

Thankfully, they have a room open, and we’re able to book it for the night. I doubt it’ll be this easy tomorrow or the next day, considering it’s Christmas, but we’ll deal with each obstacle as they come. No need to freak out ahead of time. It doesn’t do us any good. I’m pretty sure we’ll find something somewhere.

“All set?” Rhett asks me as I end the call on my phone.

“Yes. There weren’t many rooms left, but she insisted there were two queen beds. Let’s hope she knows what she’s doing.”

After having chatted most of the afternoon, we spend the last part of today’s ride listening to stand-up comedy. I love how we laugh at the same things, and our sense of humor clicks together.

When Rhett pulls up to the motel, its curb appeal is seriously lacking.

Let’s hope the inside looks a lot better.

Chapter 17

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