Page 41 of Delicate

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We both burst into laughter, and I push on Rhett’s shoulder playfully. The movement causes us to freeze and look at each other. His eyes fall to my lips.

I immediately turn my attention back to my apple slicing.

There definitely can not be looks like that happening.

Damn him and his cute smiles.

I’m doomed.

Chapter 14


Thanksgiving dinner is a success. The kids loved Rhett like I knew they would, and despite his hurt hand, he helped tremendously.

There was so much food. Plates of turkey, baked ham, mashed potatoes, candied yams, stuffing, corn, and more filled the kitchen. Fran made her delicious dinner rolls from scratch, fluffy on the inside and buttery on the outside.

During the meal, he helped us set the food out buffet style. Then Alice, Fran, Mary, Rhett, and I all helped serve, each of us manning a couple of stations. It went surprisingly smooth.

When every child had a meal, we dished up our own and enjoyed our hard work. Rhett cracked jokes, and everyone laughed, even the grumpy teenagers. It was amazing seeing a smile on all of their faces at once. The energy in the room was electric. I thought about my own Thanksgiving dinners at the orphanage growing up.

The holidays are some of my best memories. That’s when we had the most fun. The most food, the most attention. I try to do the same for these kids.

Growing up without a family isn’t easy. At least this way I’ll give them memories they can cherish.

While everyone helped clean up, Rhett and I were in charge of warming up the apple crisp. We also got the dishes, spoons, whipped cream, and vanilla ice cream set out. The smell of baked apples and cinnamon filled the large kitchen, and my mouth watered. It didn’t disappoint.

Overall, the night was a hit, and I couldn’t stop telling Rhett thanks for all of his hard work.

In fact, neither could Alice. Or Fran.

It’s the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I just arrived at the orphanage for lunch. I’m also helping with a couple of new littles who arrived yesterday and are having a hard time adjusting. It’s normal, especially the younger ones. Lots of hugs, reassurance, and cuddles are needed, and I seem to have a knack for it.

“Maia! Thank God!” Alice pulls me inside. I can hear a baby screaming and another toddler having a tantrum. Oh boy.

“I’ve tried everything. All the tips you told me. Nothing works.”

As good of a social worker as Alice is, she’s awkward around babies. I think it’s funny.

“They won’t even settle for Mary?”

“A little. But she’s hoping you can take over. She’s fallen behind in other things.”

I nod. “Got it.”

“You should’ve brought Rhett with you,” Alice teases.

I laugh and walk past her toward the screaming. I’m surprised the other kids haven’t pitched their own fits yet with all the noise. “Smooth, Alice. Real smooth.”

“What?” she asks innocently, though it’s written all over her face. And let’s not forget the fact she pulled me aside on Thanksgiving while I was washing dishes and told me she thinks Rhett and I are perfect for each other. I told her we’re only friends, and she rolled her eyes. “He’s a hard worker. We need his kind of help around here more often.”

“I agree. I’ll see if he wants to help again.”

“Yes. Please do. Oh and Maia?”

“You two are adorable together. Just saying. Again.” She grins and then disappears into the kitchen before I can say anything. I shake my head and chuckle to myself.

She was dying to say those things and more. I just know it.

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