Page 38 of Delicate

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But he never loved me, did he?

As the weight of all things stack up, it feels harder to breathe.

I try to focus on the good—the orphanage and how good it makes me feel. Rhett coming to help out.

But it’s no use. The pain from my broken heart wins tonight. I sob until I fall into a restless sleep.

When I wake, my eyes are swollen and heavy. I groan as I shuffle into the bathroom. I need a hot shower, and I’ll feel better. I stand under the showerhead and let the water pour down my body, hoping I’ll start to feel somewhat alive. Doesn’t happen. After I get dressed, I feel even more exhausted.

I drag my feet to the kitchen in search of some much-needed coffee when I find Ev at the table, already drinking a cup.

“Why, hello, stranger. Help yourself to a cup of wake-up juice.”

“Thanks,” I mumble while fixing myself some with a spoonful of sugar and a pour of creamer. Wrapping my hands around the warm mug, I sip the steaming liquid. It’s delicious. I fall into the chair across from Ev and continue sipping in hopes a spark of energy emerges from somewhere.

“Late night?”

“I didn’t sleep well. Busy week with classes and Thanksgiving dinner at the orphanage. My mind is on overdrive.”

“I know the feeling. Do you think our professors got together and said let’s give them all papers and exams during a short week right before a holiday?”

I chuckle and drink more coffee. “It wouldn’t surprise me.”

“What’s new with you? Haven’t seen you much lately.”

I sigh. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was an idiot, basically.”

“Oh please, Mi. Haven’t we all when it comes to guys?”

“Take it from me, they never change.”

“Sadly, no. Did Alex wine and dine you, then turn back into an asshole?”

“Yep. Nailed it. But this time…” I drink the rest of my coffee. “Never mind, it’s nothing.” Why worry her by telling her he raised his hand to me? It won’t happen again.

Everleigh eyes me suspiciously from over the rim of her cup. “It doesn’t seem like nothing.”

“I broke up with him.”

Ev’s eyes widen. “You did? Are you okay?”

I nod as I stand and pick up the coffee pot, bringing it back to the table with me. I refill my cup and hold the pot toward Ev’s mug. She nods, so I refill her cup. I put the pot back on the burner, grab the sugar and creamer, and bring them over to the table.

“Yeah.” I mix in what I like and stir my spoon before sipping the warm beverage. “More bittersweet, I guess. Like I’m relieved I left, happy to be free of the relationship, but sad because I did love him. Yet he broke my heart so many times that the love was gone. In its place are resentment and bitterness. That’s all I feel for him now.”

“I’m sorry, Maia.” Ev reaches across the table and gently squeezes my arm. “But I think you made a good decision. You only deserve the best. And Alex wasn’t it.”

“No. He’s not. I’d like to think his heart is broken like mine, but I know it’s not. He didn’t care for me on the same level I cared for him. But you know what is broken? His nose.” I grin.

Ev gasps, and a hand flies to her mouth. “His nose? What?!”

“Yep. Rhett broke it.”

“Girl, I need details stat. This is the best damn gossip I’ve heard in weeks.”

I laugh, and my mood lifts. “Hey, it’s not gossip. It’s my real damn life.”

“You know I’m kidding. I won’t tell a soul. Okay, well, maybe Lennox, but no one else, I promise!”

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