Page 57 of Fracture

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Ev looks at me through the camera and she opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. When she finally does speak, it’s a whisper of the words you’re welcome.

“Merry Christmas, Everleigh.”

“Merry Christmas, Landon.”

She ends the call and I sit and stare at it for a while.

I’m in deep shit.

Chapter 15


I spend most of the holiday break at home with Bella. We stay in our pjs, binge movies and true crime documentaries, pig out on junk food, and just flat out be lazy. Isn’t that what breaks are for?

The only annoying thing?

And nope, it’s not my mom this time.

It’s my damn sister.

She keeps hounding me about Landon.

“So explain to me again how this fake dating arrangement works?” She pauses the movie we’re watching for the umpteenth time tonight to ask me a question. Usually one about Landon.

I groan. “Exactly how you think, Bells. I go as his date for his frat events, and he agreed to pretend to be my boyfriend around Mom and go to the wedding. You know this.”

“Okay, but aren’t you worried about feelings?”

I swallow over the sudden lump in my throat. “No. Half the time I can’t stand him. He’s cocky and rude.”

Bella snorts. “Sounds like most men.”

“Ha, ain’t that the truth.”

“He didn’t sound cocky when talking to Mom.”

“Of course not. I’ve never heard him be that sweet. He was definitely trying to make an impression.”

“He’s pretty damn cute too, Ev.”

“He is. I’ll admit I had a crush on him at one point but now he’s just a good friend.”

Bella eyes me with suspicion. “Are you avoiding dating someone because of Mom?”

“No that wouldn’t make any sense. I want her off my back. Did you know she told me if I wasn’t dating someone by Christmas she was going to set me up with Dad’s co-worker's son.”

“Ew please don’t say Jeremy.”

“Right? He’s so ick. Always acted like he was better than everyone and bragged about dating the hottest girl in his school. I hated every work party of Dad’s we saw him at.”

“Like father, like son. I would’ve pretended Landon was my boyfriend too.”

“See? Thank you.”

“Maybe you just don’t want to date anyone because of Leo.”

Bella says my high school ex-boyfriend’s name and my stomach turns. “Maybe. I don’t know. I’m trying to get my life in order first before I worry about love.”

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