Page 27 of Fracture

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I laugh. “Do they still make you wear one?”

“No. If they did, I would refuse. It’s ugly as sin.”

“What about the large cowboy hat in this picture?”

“Who the fuck knows.” Landon makes a disgusted face and I laugh.

“I want to see you in a cowboy hat and sash.”

“Keep wishing because it ain’t happening.”

When we enter the living room, the music stops and a guy’s voice rings out over the speakers. “Time to announce the winners of the best dressed couple. Whenever they want a drink, a frat member or that member’s date is required to bring them one or they’re cut off for the night, drunk or not.” He explains.

I could care less if we win, but I know Landon wants to. Otherwise, he’ll be slinging drinks all night. Because I know if I was here with someone else and won, I’d ask Landon for a drink all night. No one else mixes them up like he does.

“Are we ready?” The guy asks and everyone cheers.

“And the winners are…” He pauses and unfolds the small piece of paper in his hand. “Landon and Everleigh!”

Landon jumps up and down and fist pumps the air. I laugh at his kid behavior but am also happy we won.

“Wooo!” Landon shouts and I clap. Then he grabs me by the waist and lifts, spinning me around in a circle. People disperse around us and I squeal, afraid of kicking someone by accident.

When he places me on the ground, our eyes lock in place and our chests rise and fall in sync, both of us laughing and out of breath. It feels like a split second and all of eternity wrapped into one, neither one of us moving or looking away.

But then the music restarts and the illusion is broken, the moment gone.

If there even was a moment. It’s probably all in my head.

“Let’s find some suckers to bring us drinks.” Landon wiggles his eyebrows and I giggle. I follow him into the throng of party goers.

When he takes my hand for the third time tonight, I almost lose my breath. Must be the damn alcohol. Landon did always make strong drinks.

He leans close and whispers in my ear. “Watch and learn.” Heat floods my lower half and I find myself clenching my legs together.

What is happening?

If this is what being super horny feels like, I’m not so sure I like it. It’s like I want to attack Landon and lick every inch of him.

Now my face warms, for the millionth time tonight, and it’s not from the party, but my own dirty thoughts.

Who am I?

What has this dress done to me?

Okay, okay, I need to stop. Watch and learn, Ev. Watch and learn.

“Hey you fine looking people, care to fetch me and my pretty lady a drink?” He’s all smooth and charismatic, bringing out his charm in one smile. “I’ll make it worth your while.” He winks and the guy laughs while the girl blushes. Oh do I know exactly how she feels.

I make eye contact with her and send her a look that says- He’s trouble, girl. She nods back at me and laughs. She gets it.

“And how do you plan to make it worth their while?” I ask him when he’s back at my side.

“Every time someone brings us a drink, I’ll give them one in return. They bring us both a drink, they get two drinks in return.”

“You’re such a show off.” I tease and jab him in the side.

He clutches at his chest and pretends he’s wounded. “Ouch, Ev. That hurts.”

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