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“Without doubt,” I confirmed.

“Then do what it takes. We’ll deal with any fall out if or when it happens.”

I didn’t need his permission, but it lessened my stress knowing I had it. Isaac would walk through the fires of hell for his wife and all he needed to know before backing me, was if Natalie was my Eden. That was a resounding, fuck yes.

I tried to be patient, knowing I’d fucked up by not telling Natalie about working for her firm. It wasn’t much of a surprise when she didn’t show at my place. Pacing in my living room, I talked myself out of going after her until after four in the morning when I finally fell into an exhausted heap on the couch, already unable to sleep in my bed without her.

Patience was a must for any lawyer worth his salt, and I was known for mine. Even I had my limits though, and when I couldn’t get her to answer my calls or texts after three days, I was nearing my breaking point.

On the fourth day, Mr. Warren’s deposition was scheduled at my firm. Time to take action. When I got to the office, I dropped by Isaac’s office to cash in one of my favors. Then I spent the morning prepping for the case. I ended up in the conference room entirely too early, my eyes glued to the entrance, anxious to see my girl.

Warren and his posse finally arrived, with Natalie bringing up the rear of the group. She kept her gaze down, but the goosebumps that appeared on her arms made it clear that she felt the crackle of electricity filling the room as much as I did. Her hair was twisted up again and my tongue tingled with the desperate urge to run along the column of her neck. In a fitted, sleeveless, violet blouse, with little pearl buttons, and a knee-length black skirt, she looked cool and sophisticated, absolutely gorgeous. It wasn’t a revealing outfit; however, I knew what was underneath and my mind wasted no time in reminding me. I was suddenly very glad I’d shown up early, since I was able to hide my growing erection behind the table when I sat back down.

Throughout the meeting, I made minimal efforts to keep my eyes off Natalie. They never lasted long and inevitably returned to her beautiful face, soaking in every instant where she lost control and met my gaze, if only for an instant.

I worried, halfheartedly, that her boss might take notice of my interest, until I realized she had all of his attention as well. A roaring animal seemed to have taken up residence at the sight and it began clawing for freedom, trying to rip the face off of the slimeball I used to work with.

The meeting finally came to a close, and I breathed a half sigh of relief. I would exhale the other when Isaac came through. We shook hands around the group, and I couldn’t help holding Natalie’s for a little longer than was necessary. Her eyes darted to mine, then to her boss, wide with alarm until she realized no one was paying us any attention.

Warren strutted from the conference room like a fucking king, expecting all to part for him and follow in his wake. Natalie followed behind, head held high, back straight. She was fucking amazing, and I tumbled even further down the rabbit hole, losing everything to the Queen of Hearts.

I hung back, almost hidden around the corner, but with a good enough sight line that I could watch the action about to unfold.

“Natalie! Oh my gosh! Natalie!”

Everyone stopped as a petite, dark-haired woman streaked into the lobby. She was vibrating with energy and only stopped when she was right in front of Natalie, taking her hands and practically bouncing on her feet.

“It’s me, Eden! Don’t tell me you don’t remember?”

I stifled a smile at the hurt-bunny look Eden had adopted. No one could resist her adorable charms. And as predicted, Natalie’s confusion immediately gave way to contriteness, clearly feeling guilty that she didn’t remember the pixie-like creature commanding her attention.

“Um, Eden? I...”

“It’s okay.” Eden smiled brightly. “How about we get reacquainted! It’s one, do you have time for lunch?”

“Oh, I really shouldn’t—”

“Natalie.” Warren’s voice cut her off, and both she and Eden turned to face him. He motioned Natalie over and when she reached his side, he whispered something in her ear. He was dangerously close to losing teeth, but lucky for his dental bill, he stepped back and into the elevator, waving her back. “Have fun.”

“Oh!” Eden gushed, clapping her hands excitedly. “Thank you!” The doors shut and her demeanor shifted radically. Still happy, but she was of a more serene attitude when she took one of Natalie’s hands again. “Please don’t be mad at me. I really hope we’ll be able to get to know each other and become friends. But”—she gestured in my general direction—“I owed him a really big favor.”

Natalie glanced around, obviously confused, especially when she didn’t see anyone else in the lobby. “Owe . . . who?”

Eden followed her gaze and rolled her eyes when she noticed me lurking in the shadows. She kept ahold of Natalie’s hand and guided her towards me. I hustled into my office to wait and it felt like an eternity.

Natalie walked into my lair, I mean space, and Eden shot me a grin before shutting the door on her way out.

I grabbed on to my girl’s hand before she could attempt to escape and yanked her into my arms, crushing my mouth down over hers. My every intention had been to talk, to hash things out and make a plan. At the sound of her moan, it all went to hell.

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