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“Every move she made was in your direction. Until finally, she was assigned as your handler. She googled you over 40,000 times in the last year. Your agency records are all stored on her hard drive. Work and personal.”

“All of them?” I croaked. Those records would contain information about all of my assignments, things that, if they were leaked, would get me and my family killed.

“Yes,” he answered gravely. “But, we’ve already sent cleaners to her apartment, confiscated all of her electronics, except her cell phone, and Martin is sure she has no backups.”

Why wouldn’t they take her—motherfucker! “You don’t have her in custody?” I bellowed. Aspen flinched, and I immediately lowered my tone. I was scaring her. Shit.

“You had better find her before I do, Justice. Because if I get there first, there is no telling what I’ll do to her.”

“I’m going to pretend I wasn’t just a witness to you threatening someone,” he griped. “And, I’m not done, so shut the fuck up and listen.”

I pressed my lips together in a ruler straight line, holding back any further comment.

“She had pictures of Aspen, Weston. From over the last year. Pictures of Carter, clippings of his birth announcement. A fake hospital ID for obstetrics at the hospital where he was born. There are even transcripts of phone calls . . . Aspen’s phone was tapped.”

Worlds could have collided causing mass destruction and I didn’t think it would have put the fear of God into me any more than knowing this psycho had been anywhere near my woman and our son.

“I think you need to watch your family like a hawk right now, Weston,” Alex warned. “You know we’ll find her, but until we do—” The doorbell started ringing incessantly, and I barely noticed until Aspen stood to answer it.

“No! Aspen, don’t!” She looked at me, completely lost as to what the hell was going on. “Just wait, beautiful. Let me see who it is.”

I stalked to the front door and looked out the peep hole. It was Jenna. She was holding Carter tight against her and shifting restlessly. I swung the door open and she shoved Carter at me, keeping his blanket and holding the bunched material to her chest. “Jenna, what is—”

Someone stepped around the corner of the house and edged slowly in our direction. The sun glinted off the round barrel of the pistol she was aiming at my sister. I felt Aspen’s presence behind me and with Kat’s focus on my sister, particularly the lump of fabric in her hands, I took a chance and quickly turned. I handed Carter to his mother, thankfully the boy was sleeping hard.

“Take Carter, go to our room and stay there until I come and get you, okay? No one but me.”

She hesitated, trying to peek around me. “Aspen, I know I’m on shaky ground with you, but I need you to trust me. More than ever. Can you please do this for me?”

Her eyes were big and round as she stared into mine, then she nodded and hurried away. I took a deep breath and faced the situation outside. Kat was still creeping closer and hadn’t seemed to take stock of the situation yet. I put the phone to my ear and whispered, “Justice, you better get your people here ASAP before I kill her.” Then I hung up and looked down at my baby sister.

“Jenna, why don’t you come inside—”

“I think she should stay right there.” Kat stepped out of the shadows looking smug, as if she thought I hadn’t seen her until that moment.

“She’s going to take care of our baby like a good aunt, while I get rid of that whore who had our little Weston Jr. She just couldn’t leave you alone, could she?” Kat finally met my eyes, her own dilated and wild. Shit. This woman had lost her fucking mind. “Message after fucking message! She wouldn’t SHUT UP!” Kat screamed and her left hand shook, her finger vibrating precariously close to the trigger of her gun.

“Kat,” I said soothingly. “Let Jenna take Carter inside or home with her, so you and I can talk.”

She glanced back and forth between us, then gestured to the house with the gun. “Okay. It was nice to finally meet you, Jenna.” Kat’s voice had turned saccharine and it was grating on my raw nerves. “Take baby Wes inside, but don’t let that bitch near him.”

I clenched my hands, trying to stay calm, and stepped outside to allow Jenna to get by. Once she was inside, I slammed the door shut and squared off with Kat. “What the fuck do you want, Kat?”

“You,” she said, her eyes blinking innocently, as if she couldn’t understand my confusion. “Just let me handle that woman. You won’t have to do a thing, my love. I’ll tell her to leave, that we’re a family and she shouldn’t get in our way. Then we can be together, you, me, and our little Wes.”

It took a great deal of effort to hold back any reaction. I wanted to roll my eyes and I wanted to strangle her. I’m not sure which desire would have won out. In my peripheral, I spied a patrol car slowly creeping up my driveway. It stopped a good distance away and two officers stepped out as quietly as possible.

Kat was still chatting incessantly, but I wasn’t paying much attention.

“Although, if we really want to be able to move on, I should kill them both.”

The next moment, Kat was slammed up against the front door, her feet dangling from the ground, as I held her up by the neck. I tore the gun from her hand and tossed it away. “What did you say?” I asked venomously.

Fear clouded her eyes as she clawed at my immobile hand, her feet kicking, and her face turning a satisfying shade of purple.

“Mr. Davis.”

Someone was speaking to me. It was probing at the shell of rage built around me.

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