Page 8 of Ice

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"I know you're clean. I know you can't get pregnant because you've had the shot, and I'll be damned if I fuck you with a condom ever again." He pulls back before thrusting into me harder than before, filling me instantly.

"Fuck. You feel so fucking good on my dick. Just like I knew you would." Oh my god. The urge to scream claws up my throat. His name is right there on the tip of my tongue, and I’m fighting like hell not to yell while he fills me completely.

He begins to fuck me fast and hard with one of his hands gripping my ass, the other pulling on my hair. My back scrapes against the rough wall with every thrust, but I don't dare stop him. The burn of the scratches increases my sensitivity to him, and I can't stop the screaming from my mouth when I start to orgasm.

He wraps his hand over my mouth, never once slowing down as he starts to fuck me even harder. I bite down on his palm and he groans, obviously loving my reaction.

"Oh yeahhhh. I can't wait to fuck you when I don't have to hide that gorgeous sound coming from your lips." His words are a growl while he pounds into me over and over. My second orgasm hits and again, I can't control it. Fuck. His cock hits me perfectly like this. It's like he's angled with the exact purpose to hit my G-spot. I feel my inner walls tightening and pulsing around his length as he continues to fuck me with purpose.

"Fuckkkkkkkk." I try to pull back from him because I know I'm about to lose it. I can't control this level of buildup and know shit is about to get crazy. He pulls me closer, never letting up. Fucking me intensely and vigorously, pounding relentlessly into me.

He throws his hand over my mouth once again. "Next time you're getting a ball gag." I dig my nails into his back, trying to hold it all in. Fuck, I've never been fucked like this. He knows how to do this, and I'm pretty sure he's just ruined me for life. I'll always compare sex to this feeling right fucking here.

He groans a few times just before I feel his warmth inside me. He soon finds his release and slowly stills himself. That's a first too. I've never dropped my guard enough to let a man pour himself inside me. It's a control thing, and it's obvious I've lost all fucking control.

He holds me while we both steady our breathing. Both exploring each other with our eyes as we do. I fucking hate and love what this man does to me. Damn him for having this much control.

He lets me down, sliding his black t-shirt over his head before he tosses it to me. "Here, use this to clean up. Even though I’d love for you to smell like me, sex is like a weapon out here. It’s as deadly as the scent of a woman. And trust me, Jade, your scent alone can drive a man to his goddamn knees." I'm frozen in this spot. His words practically paralyze me, but the sight of his tattoos shocks me. He’s very naked, yet covered in tattoos on his back, arms, and most of his chest. His legs have a few and frankly look out of place on his otherwise insanely inked canvas. His nipples are pierced and I want nothing more than to run my tongue over them.

"Holy shit. Your tattoos." I’m lost in them.

"Yeah. I have a few." When he starts to pull up his pants, I just want to stop him and inspect every single tattoo on his perfect body.

Words fail me as my eyes try to take in everything I'm seeing. This is an unheard-of amount of tattoos for the Army.

"I can't stop looking."

"You'll have to, Captain. We have shit to do. We'll be here for days if you try to see them all. And if you keep looking at me that way, my cock will be hard again in no time." Oh hell. I’m intrigued now. I need to at least ask about one of them.

"Ok. Let's start with one. Which one is your favorite?" I question with curiosity.

"My MOM tattoo. Hands down." Awe shit.... he loves his mom. Maybe he’s not the hard-ass he wants people to think he is.

"That's awesome. I bet she's proud of you for that." He nods. He doesn't elaborate or give any further detail, while I continue to stare in disbelief and getting dressed at the same time. There's something to this guy. His beard is longer than usual... and those tattoos are everywhere. Yes. They would be covered in a uniform, but there’s something else about him. I’m dying to find out who is behind the mask of Kaleb Maverick.

"Who are you really?" By the way he arches his brow and stiffens his spine, I would say this question surprises him.

"What do you mean by that, Captain?" His tone is challenging.

"You're bigger than all the guys here. You're tattooed almost completely, and that beard of yours shouldn't be allowed." He looks at me like he's trying to decide how to answer.

"I'm retired. They brought me back for this mission. I agreed on a few conditions." Really? I wonder to myself. If he’s retired, then how old is he? My guess would be mid-thirties. I begin to have many questions rattling around in my head. I’m just not sure if I’m buying his answers or not. I could call bullshit on his ass any time, instead I bite my tongue. I’d love more than anything to dig deeper into this man and find out more about him. Why he is the way he is and why his answers to my questions are short and clipped.

I’ll find a way on my own to discover everything there is to know about Commander Kaleb Maverick. After all, he seems to know everything about me, personal and professional. All's fair in love and war, as they say. Even though there isn’t a damn bit of love in what we have going on here. It’s fucking and war. Primal, damn good fucking and hopefully a perfectly completed mission instead of war.

"You must be a badass motherfucker." His laughter fills the room. It's nice to see that side of him, even if only for a second. I’m not about to get my hopes up though, not when it comes to this man. He may think he holds all the power here and has all the control over me. No, I do believe my Commander has another mission besides the one he claims to be here for, and something tells me it has everything to do with me.

I make good use of the ten minutes he gives me to finish cleaning myself up after he not so formally dismisses me. I decide to clean up better in my own tent before I go anywhere.

Wincing from the scrapes across my back the minute I yank my t-shirt over my head, I try not to show any signs of weakness. It's something I do, never show emotions, even when I’m alone. I’ve suffered too much pain in my life, and it has no place out here.

I don’t have time to inspect them though. I need to get back to our team, to train in these exercises he’s demanding us to do. I grab a clean t-shirt from the wooden crate I have them stacked on, and pull it over my head and through my arms while I walk to one of the care packages sent. I know I have a supply of unscented wipes. Like Kaleb said, sex out here could be smelled a mile away, especially out here where the only scent you get used to is the smell of sweat. The distinct aroma surrounds you out here in the sweltering sun. A freshly-fucked scent would sure the hell have the guys picking up on the shit I’ve been doing.

“Captain. Let's move it.” Son of a bitch. The deep voice of my Commander outside my tent sends a shiver down my damn spine. I ignore him and the way my body wants to betray me once again just from the sound of his voice. Unzipping my pants, I clean myself up and discard the used wipes into my trash. I tuck my t-shirt into my fatigues, pull my hair back into a ponytail, and grab a hat before securing it on top of my head.

“Ready, Sir.” I stand tall and eager to feel the burn of something other than the sexual exhaustion he causes. I fall in line next to him as we make our way to the team,catching up to two other members quickly.

The sky is nearly dark by the time we approach our team all gathered around in a circle, listening to the second in command. He's an elderly gentleman with manners and respect, unlike the man standing next to me, whose eyes I can feel on me when we come to a stop.

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