Page 26 of Entwined

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And Cole didn’t get to see it in the light at all…

Chapter 13


Anger pulses through me, boiling to a point where it’s getting hard to control. It’s not that I’m pissed she killed someone. On the contrary. Her serial killer tendencies are something I love about her. It’s also not the fact they rubbed blood on each other. We all have kinks, I’m not one to shame.

No. What infuriates me is their lack of consideration for us finding them covered in blood. They might be psychopaths and not understand natural human emotions, but they sure as hell need to think about their family and what we go through in that kind of situation.

And there’s only one way to get through to my little bird. She needs to experience the biting punishment for it to stick in her head.

The water at our feet quickly turns to pink, the blood already washing away. This is only the start of what I’ll do to make sure the lesson sinks in. Not being able to bask in her deviant behavior will cut deep.

Pressing my hand to the center of her back, I make sure the shower head sprays directly on the top of her head, rinsing the blood from her hair as well. This shower isn’t the size I’m used to, doesn’t have the luxurious amenities of the mansions I own. But it’ll certainly do for what I want.

My little bird doesn’t move. She simply stands in the stream of water. As I reach for the shampoo, I catch her side profile. There’s a pitiful frown pulling at her plump lips, and her gorgeous eyes are closed. This might be the most genuine sadness she’s felt in a long time.

With a squirt of the bottle in my hand, I spread the soap and run it through my girl’s hair. This might be a punishment, but I won’t pass up a chance to force some softness on her. And let's be honest, no bitch in this universe can honestly say she doesn’t enjoy her hair being washed.

The only reaction I get from her is the tilt of her head, giving me better access. After rinsing her hair and adding conditioner to the ends, I lather my hands with body wash. There’s nothing I love more than touching my woman’s body. Well… aside from making her come.

I start from the top, my hands wrapping around her neck and squeezing. It’s only enough to tease her, to let her know I’m here and have her life in my hands. Enough to make her pulse speed up and pound against my grip.

Swaying a little closer, I press my chest against her back, wanting to experience every hint of what’s going on inside her body. It’s how I feel the hitch of her breath when my thumbs glide against her jaw, removing the remnants of her fun with Cole.

Next, I symmetrically run my hands along her body, sliding my palms from her neck down to her collarbones, slipping over the length of her arms, tracing my touch everywhere I find red. Which is basically every inch, making sure I wash her thoroughly.

I can’t help but watch my hands from over her shoulder when I make it to her amazing tits. The silken lather of the soap allows me to fluidly slip my hands over her soft as fuck skin to cradle them in my palms, testing the weight of their perfect shape. I swear I love every inch of her.

It’s hard for me to not do what I want. To tease her nipples and kiss along her neck. To savor her body now that she’s in my arms. But she doesn’t deserve that right now. I’ve forgotten myself and the lesson I came to teach. Gritting my jaw, I wipe my hands mechanically over her tits and continue methodically washing her until there isn’t a trace of red on the front of her body.

Pink suds pop against the back of my hand, something I’m sure she’d love to play with if given the chance. I make sure she notices before I flick my hand, flinging them to the floor and rinsing whatever remains in the water.

A low moan of disappointment sounds in the back of her throat, but she keeps her lips tightly pinched closed knowing I’m dead fucking serious about not wanting to hear anything coming out of her.

You’d think seeing less and less blood covering her body would help my anger dissipate. But it’s the opposite for some odd reason. Though none of that matters when I grip her shoulders and shove her forward, displaying her back as she’s bent over.

“Hands on the wall, Little Bird. And so help me god, you better keep them there.” I’m almost tipped past the point of no return when she doesn’t say yes sir in the silent pause after my command. Then I remember. Half of me is tempted to give her the order to say it, but a wiser half knows I can’t handle it right now.

Another wave of fury passes over me, and I snatch the bottle of body wash and squeeze way too much over her back and exposed ass. Of course, it’s immediately rinsed away where the water sprays on her, leaving behind clean splotches where the soap landed.

If I wasn’t so angry, I’d admire how it adds a new layer to the shapes of smudges on her skin. Lighter and darker patches of blood… But I don’t. I erase every discolored memory of her night until I’m left with a clean Little Bird. My hands slip over her curves, creating suds as I go over each area repetitively until her skin is ready and waiting for my marks.

My hand tingles with anticipation. My cock is hard as fuck knowing what’s about to happen.

I give myself five seconds of rubbing my hands over her ass, kneading it in my grip. One because I want the enjoyment of touching her; but more importantly, because I need to get the blood flow circulating in her skin before I lay into it.

Her ass has been constantly on the back of my mind ever since I spanked her in the shooting range. So supple and firm. The way they fill her jeans perfectly to where I want to take a bite out of one of her juicy peaches.

When I’ve warmed her up enough, I slap her ass. The water amplifies the impact, leaving tiny prickles in my hand. My little bird rocks up on her toes, not having expected the slap, which makes it even more satisfying.

It doesn’t take me long to set a rhythm of alternating patterns. Hard slaps, soft ones, soothing rubs to the area and varying lengths of time between them. Her ass slowly becomes red again, the color more to my liking than it was before.

A sharp whine sounds after my hand lands again. I can’t fault her for it, my palm has stinging needles poking into it like angry hornets. Her legs tremble, giving away that she’s near her limit, even if she’s being strong and trying to hide it. I’m sure with how heated her ass is, it’s getting overstimulated with the temperature and sensation of the water rushing over her skin.

I can’t help but groan as I admire my work. But it all means nothing if she hasn’t learned her lesson. “Why are you being punished, Little Bird?” I ask, grabbing the soap once more. I choose not to use it yet. Not until I know if she needs a few more reminders of being more considerate towards those who love her.

She takes in a shuddering breath. No matter the level of grip she has on emotions, she can’t ignore the reactions of her body. “I’m sorry, J. I didn’t think outside of what was happening in the moment. I don’t like scaring you like that. I won’t do it again.” Her words are choppy with the endorphins flooding her body. But I enjoy every fucking one of them.
