Page 63 of Knot a Clue

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Ryland curses, and speeds up with his fingers, using his thumb against my clit, but it’s not helping. I truly believe my heat has gone past the point of being temporarily sated with simple orgasms. My body needs what it was made for—a knot.

“You’ve run out of time, doctor,” Ryland hisses, putting emphasis on the title. “You know better than anyone what kind of pain she’s going through right now. Time to put out or get out. What will it be? Will you help our girl? Or will you make her suffer for longer while I find someone else who will?”

I brace myself for his answer, knowing if he denies me, I probably won’t forgive him. I’m sick of the tension between us. It’s too much, and knowing he chose for me to be in pain when he knows I want him…

Emmett doesn’t say anything. He climbs from the table, ripping his warmth away from me, and I instantly close my eyes and curl inward. It’s too painful to say anything, but my hope is that Ryland will know what I want anyway. Hopefully, it won’t take long for him to find Kyle.

I’m lifted from the table and silently cry into his chest. It’s too much pain at once. “Shh, Little Omega. I’ve got you.” Wait. What? “Take a deep breath for me, sweetheart.” I do as he says and taste dark chocolate on the back of my tongue. Emmett. I thought Ryland was the one who picked me up, but it was my forbidden doctor.

He carries me from the room, and I blink through my tears to find him staring at me with a furrow in his brow. His eyes pinch at the sides and his lips are missing the smile I love. “Emmett?” I finally croak.

“What is it, Little Omega?” There’s worry in his tone and he walks faster toward wherever he’s taking me.

“I thought you left,” I whisper, wondering if maybe he did and I’m imagining things.

“Never, sweetheart. I’m yours.” He opens a door and Ryland closes it behind him, and I’m lowered to a bed that smells like melted chocolate. “At least I will be after this,” Emmett adds.

His touch is soft as he wipes my hair off my face. I reach for him, fisting my hands in his wrinkled shirt again, and tug him closer. I search his face, wanting to believe him. “Promise?”

“I promise, Little Omega.” Finally, his lips quirk with the smile I’ve been longing for, the smile that draws me in, the one that gripped my heart the first time I saw it and hasn’t let go. I lick my lips, staring at his. “Are you sure? Because after this, you’re mine, forever.”

“Kiss me, Emmett.”

He doesn’t hesitate, moving in immediately to kiss me like I asked. His lips are soft, and the first touch sends a pulse through my body. I want to take things slowly, but I can’t. My body hurts too much for that, so I rip his shirt open. It’s so forceful, a button pops off and falls to my chest. Emmett chuckles against my lips, and he does the smart thing—reaches for the button on his pants, helping to take them off.

Cramps rush through me, a-fucking-gain. My movements freeze, opting to grip my middle instead. Emmett hurries faster, working to rid himself of his stupid clothes, creating this damn barrier between us. Who the hell came up with this concept, anyway? Makes it harder on a wanting omega in heat and I hate him for making me wait so long.

“He’s hurrying,” Ryland soothes, his hands landing on my face, where he uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. He turns his head to look at Emmett. “I know you don’t want to have your first time with her like this, but you can’t take your time. She needs your knot. Now.”

“Fuck. I know,” Emmett responds, a slight shake to his voice. “I’m sorry, Little Omega.” He moves between my thighs and notches at my opening. My limbs automatically wrap around him, drawing him closer as he sinks into me.

The pain slowly ebbs, as if unsure it can trust what’s happening. He thrusts, his hard length working me, making me stretch as he hits all the right places. “Hey,” he softly calls, drawing my attention to him. I hadn’t even realized I closed my eyes. The moment I’m looking at him, he gives me a soft smile and cups my cheeks in his hands. “If I can’t do this the way I want, I at least need to have your eyes on me.”

There’s such sweet devotion in his gaze, not to mention the way his thumbs run over my skin. I’m locked into watching him. He shares so much with his gaze. All the pent up desire for each other that we’ve been ignoring. The regret of turning his back and leaving me in the exam room. His sorrow for holding back on me, for making me go through more pain instead of giving in right away. Then he moves on to the hope for our future. Of his confidence in everything working out the way we want it to.

My nerves about being knotted for the first time dissipate. Not that there was much to begin with, with my heat coursing through me. I want it like I’ve never wanted anything else in my life. It’s a craving that nothing else can compete with. And something deep inside is relieved that it’s Emmett who’s giving it to me. Something tells me if anyone else gave me their knot first, I would’ve lost him forever.

His thrusts are just shy of hurried, the pace perfectly him in this moment. Slow enough to show me how much care he wants to give me, but fast enough to sate my cramps. As each inward movement ends, his knot kisses my opening, working its way farther in with every pass. The stretching is like nothing I’ve experienced before, and it has a thrill running through me. I didn’t know it would be like this, and it’s shattering every expectation I had.

We never break our eye contact, watching every moment of pleasure pass through our eyes. Somehow, I know when his knot is reaching the widest point. Perhaps it’s in the extreme fullness, or maybe it’s something that changes in his gaze, but I simply know without a doubt.

Excitement thrums through me; I can’t believe this is happening. A small whine escapes as he draws back, and one of his hands glides along my body, smoothing over my leg until it reaches my knee, where he hitches my leg higher. He moves his hold to my hip and grips hard enough that I know I’ll wear his fingerprints tomorrow. This seems to be a big moment for him, too.

“You ready for my knot, Little Omega? Ready to be locked with me, to be mine forever?” This won’t actually link us together forever, we have to share bites for that to happen. But he’s right all the same. This will link us together for eternity. You never forget your first.

“I want nothing more than to be locked with you, Emmett.” My use of his name sends a shiver through him. I love how much the single word causes a reaction. The next thrust has him gliding past every nerve ending. I’m shaking as I get close to coming, but I continue to hold off, wanting to wait until his knot is inside me.

My opening stretches around the bulbous base of his cock, spreading wider than I’ve ever been before, and then suddenly, he’s inside me, his knot grinding against my G-spot as it expands. I swear he has to grow to three times the size of before, and it’s the most exquisite thing I’ve felt. My nails dig into his shoulders, and my back arches off the bed.

He continues rocking into me, his expanded knot shifting back and forth across the sensitive bundle of nerves, and within seconds, I’m exploding around him. A keening sound leaves me, and my eyes slide closed. There’s nothing that could have kept them open with the sensations firing off.

“That’s it, Little Omega. Come on my knot, just like that,” he breathes out, continuing with the rocking motion. I’m well and fully locked on him. There’s no way for him to slip free, at least not anytime soon. After a second, he grunts, and I’m filled with warmth as he comes.

“Emmett,” I moan when my orgasm simmers down. I open my eyes and take a moment to focus on him. A huge smile splits my face, a giddiness taking over like I’m the perfect amount of drunk. Every ounce of pain has left me, and the relief paired with the pleasure is a heady feeling. “You knotted me,” I giggle.

He smiles at me and uses his fingertip to run over my forehead to move a strand of hair. “Yeah, I did.” His lips brush against mine, and my heart seems to expand. This is more than I expected, but absolutely perfect.

“It feels so good,” I gasp, my walls fluttering around him as he continues grinding into me.

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