Page 4 of Knot a Clue

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I’m an absolute train wreck. Perfect.

Well, there’s no time to be self-conscious now, is there? I’ve already tried running, and that didn’t work. Besides, there’s still a warm presence behind me, one that I want to lean into instead of making the inevitable trek toward the stage.

My eyes scan the packed auditorium and fill with moisture as the scents hit me like a brick wall. They can’t use dampeners when the whole point of the ceremony is to reveal our scents. Fear, anxiety, and desperation all taint the air, combining into a toxic mixture that makes me want to pinch my nose shut and hightail it out of this place. Couldn’t they open a window to help vent the space? Maybe an air purifier… or ten?

A discreet nudge from Andrik has my feet moving instinctually. I descend the stairs along the left side of the stadium seating. Each step feels like I’m getting closer to a fiery pit in hell. I take in the fifty or so seats reserved for the participants in this year’s ceremony, half of which are already filled. My heart pounds in my chest, trying to rip free, knowing this single moment will define the rest of my life, and it makes me even more terrified of what’s to come. My entire body feels like it’s made of lead as I reach the bottom. The only comfort I have is the warm hand on my lower back, even if it’s to ensure I don’t run again.

I’m nearing the bottom of the steps, eyeing an illuminated exit sign, when I’m jarred by Mrs. Violet’s voice. It blares through a speaker positioned on the wall. “Ah, ladies and gentlemen at home, we have a late arrival. Miss Graves. Nice of you to join us. Now can we resume or did you want to share with the class why you’re tardy?” She has that gleam in her eyes that every TV announcer gets when they catch a whiff of some juicy gossip.

The sudden jump I give at the sound has my foot slipping out from under me and I tip forward, arms flailing for something, anything, to grab onto. A muttered curse escapes me as I catch a view of the floor before it’s replaced by someone’s crotch. A new fear joins the first as the distance between my face and a dick grows rapidly shorter.

Right when I think I’m about to end up scroterboating a stranger, an arm latches onto mine. Another slips around my waist to save me from goochplanting. If it wasn’t for my silent sentinel behind me, I definitely would’ve become well acquainted with the ground or someone’s dick. Which might not be a bad thing at this point. I’d welcome the distraction.

Mrs. Violet’s attention is drawn by my fall, or it might’ve been on me the entire time, but she claps her hands together and lets out a sound of content happiness. “How sweet, a strong alpha coming to her rescue.” I barely disguise my snarl in time, noticing a camera is directed firmly our way.

“The Hart brothers everyone! You might remember them from ten seasons ago. They were a crowd favorite, but unfortunately didn’t leave the show with an omega.” She gives a pout to the camera, really playing up her role as hostess. “Do you think we can change their fate this season? Are you catching on to my big announcement?” She shoots the audience an exaggerated wink. “That’s right, we’ve listened to your feedback on the message boards and have decided to bring the duo back for a redemption season! I know you’re as excited as me to have them rejoin the show. Now let’s return to the ceremony to find out what omega they could end up with.” The unspoken if one emerges hangs in the air.

The weight of her attention falls away as she returns to calling out names. I shift my focus to the person guarding the stairs, who I almost got to know way better than I should, and have to do a double take. His face is exactly the same as Andrik’s, only subtly slimmer, and has a small line shaved into his right eyebrow.

Everyone says twins are exactly the same but there are tiny differences, especially in personality and how someone carries themself. It’s in the hard set of this man’s shoulders, whereas Andrik is more relaxed, but no less attentive to his surroundings.

“Sorry,” I murmur, trying not to draw any more unwanted eyes our way. The whole room is practically buzzing over Mrs. Violet’s announcement. I don’t remember their season, but that doesn’t mean anything. I can’t help but wonder what happened.

His brow furrows and his gaze flickers behind me to his brother. The announcement seems to have completely drained him of color. His features pinch in displeasure, making me wonder why he doesn’t like the idea of returning to the show a second time. Most alphas would be ecstatic to have another opportunity. Cue eye roll.

The twins exchange a loaded glance over my head, but I’m distracted by the heat from Andrik’s body soaking into mine. Our pheromones flood the air and my eyes drift to where his arm is still firmly around me. His touch already feels so natural. It steals the anxiety building inside me with all the staring.

Needing to know if he feels it too, my gaze finds his, before quickly dipping to his plump lips, which are quirked in amusement. My mouth turns into a desert, and I worry my lip between my teeth, drawing his attention.

The doppelgänger clears his throat as his piercing stare focuses on where we’re touching. As if burned, we jump apart. Just as quickly though, Andrik puts his arm out to steady me and I smooth my hands down my pants. My face heats with embarrassment, and it’s made all the worse knowing there are hundreds of people watching us.

“Jedrik,” Andrik greets. Oh, sweet lord! The poor guys were given matching names. What a cliché twin thing to do. I bet their mom has pictures of them wearing adorable matching outfits…

“Andrik,” he responds, coolly. There’s a certain animosity flowing between them; but I can’t quite put my finger on its source.

“Where did you come from?” Andrik wonders out loud. Oh, good. I’m glad I’m not the only one who completely missed where he came from. Thinking of seeing him though has my gaze flowing over him, taking in any differences I can to tell them apart. I take a breath and his scent hits me like a freight train. I inhale the smooth, smoky hint of maple. For a split second it turns sweet like syrup, but it’s quickly overpowered by the rich musk of bonfire. It reminds me of cool nights next to a pit of flames, and kisses that warm you from the inside out. The bold scent marks him as an alpha like his twin, as well as the way he holds himself with utter confidence.

“Nice to know I can still kick your ass at hide and seek,” Jedrik teases his brother with a smug smile, some of the strain dissipating between them. “I was standing by the exit to discourage heat drunk alphas from getting any ideas about unsettling the omegas announced today.”

Andrik nods his head. “Totally forgot about you being stationed here.”

“I can tell.” Jedrik gives his brother a hard stare before turning his piercing blue-eyed glare on me. The action has Andrik stepping closer, and Jedrik lets out an annoyed growl. “What the fuck is wrong with you right now?” he accuses his twin.

“Nothing, Jed. Watch where you’re looking.” He uses his alpha sass, and the command pulls at me even though it wasn’t directed my way. It won’t work on another alpha, but it adds extra emphasis when trying to get a point across.

“You’re acting possessive over the omega. She’s fucking with your mind, man.” See, even the stranger assumes I’m an omega, and he’s had all of five seconds with me. It doesn’t pass my notice that he uses the term omega like it’s a curse either. He takes a step closer to us and wraps his hand around my arm.

Andrik stiffens and the sharp bite of cinnamon stands out from his winter spices, growing stronger with warning as the seconds tick by.

“Calm down, little bro. Hand over the omega, and I’ll escort her the rest of the way. You clearly need some space from her.” Jedrik’s strong hold encourages me to take a step and follow him, but at the same time Andrik grabs me, their matching grips squeezing my upper arms. I feel like they’re about to play tug of war with the omega, aka me, as the sharp aroma of competition flares around us.

Andrik’s chest puffs out, making me feel even more awkward. A small squeak escapes me, pulling both of their deep blue eyes my way. Concern pulls at their brows. Whatever Andrik sees in my expression has him letting out a small curse. “Don’t try to run from me, Verity.” He eliminates the remaining space between us and lowers his voice, making sure his words stay between our small threesome. “If you do, I’ll hunt you down until you’re safe in my arms again.” He bites his bottom lip and his gaze travels over my body like a gentle caress. “Now, be a good girl or don’t. Cause I do love the thrill of the chase.”

Jedrik sucks in a sharp breath at the claim and possessiveness in his brother’s tone. The scent of pear becomes thicker in the air at the thought of me belonging to Andrik. But ultimately, after a short stare off, Andrik steps back with a longing gaze and a rumbling growl like he hates the thought of being separated. His brother guides me up the stairs leading to the stage and behind the curtain where the remaining participants are waiting to be called in a single file line.

For the first time since Andrik called out my name, my thoughts aren’t on the doom waiting for me, they’re focused on how much fun it would be to have him chasing after me and the things I’d like for him to do when he catches me…

The line steadily grows shorter in front of me, as the daydream grows more and more detailed until, finally, there isn’t anyone else in line. The person who was before me is drinking from the chalice, and a split second later the tart bite of a beta’s scent barely reaches me. Mrs. Violet announces his status into her microphone, lacking some of her previous enthusiasm. There’s a jumpiness to her body language that wasn’t there earlier, and she tugs at the collar of her shirt, gazing at me with wide, desperate eyes. Someone is certainly nervous.

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