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“Really? Why is that?” Light asked.

“It allows the artists who are sketching to get a better look at the muscles and shape—the overall form of the model,” Lili explained. “That’s why so many classical statues and paintings depict the nude form—it’s the body you’re celebrating, not whatever clothes the model is wearing.”

“Do you think you’d get a better picture of me if I was undressed, then?” Dark asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Oh, undoubtedly,” Lili said. “But that doesn’t mean I would ask you to strip for me. I mean that would be?—”

But before she could even stop talking, the big Dark Kindred was already taking off his clothes.

Lili watched, trying not to drool, as his chiseled body was revealed. She had never seen a man who was built more like a Greek god, she thought—or at least a statue of one.

After a moment, Dark’s clothes and boots were in a pile on the floor and he was standing there, completely nude. Lili allowed herself to look at him, taking in the broad, muscular chest, the thick biceps, the washboard abs, and his long, strong legs.

She tried not to look too closely at the thick male equipment between his legs, but she couldn’t help noting that it was bigger than anything she’d ever seen in her life—even in porn. It certainly put her ex to shame. Mitch had been so proud of his stubby, four-inch cock which he called his “war hammer.”

Now that’s a real war hammer! Lili thought, casting another sidelong glance at the massive shaft that hung down Dark’s inner thigh. Once she’d decided to be single for life, she had spent a considerable amount of time and money building what she’d always thought of as a rather impressive collection of toys for self-gratification. But there was nothing in her toy chest back home that was anywhere near the size of the Dark Twin’s equipment.

“Is this what you need?” Dark rumbled, spreading his arms wide.

“What I need?” For a minute she thought he was talking about his cock. Then she understood he meant the way he was posing for her. “Er, oh, yes—yes, this is perfect!” she exclaimed, her cheeks getting red as she realized that she’d been staring at the exact part of him she had promised herself not to stare at.

To cover her confusion, she got up and began circling the big Kindred, looking at him from all angles.

She was especially interested in the contrast of his metal arm and his eye scope, when compared to the organic parts of his body.

“This is fascinating,” she murmured, standing on her tiptoes to try and see how the metal sheath on his arm connected to his shoulder and torso.

“What is? Do you need me to bend down?” Dark asked. “You’re such a tiny little thing.”

Lili grinned up at him.

“It’s not that I’m so small, it’s just that you and your brother are huge. I’m just trying to get a good look at where your, uh, enhancements join to your body.”

“Oh, you want to see enhancements? You ought to see Light’s legs,” Dark remarked. “Brother, take off your clothes.”

“Oh, you don’t have to—“Lili began. But again, before she could finish, the Light Twin was already removing his uniform and boots.

Before she knew it, she had two huge, muscular, nude warriors standing in front of her. And she couldn’t help noticing that Light’s equipment was almost as big and imposing as Dark’s.

“Well…” she murmured, taking them in. “I certainly have plenty of material to work with now.”

But instead of getting right to work she wiped the charcoal off her hands and paced around the two of them. It was like being with two huge, living statues, she thought. Neither of them had an ounce of body fat—it was all rippling muscle and warm, golden-purple skin.

“Do you mind if I touch you?” she asked Light, slowly tracing his bicep. “It might help me get a better idea of your musculature.”

Of course, she would never have asked a regular model such a thing—especially a nude model—but she had a feeling that the two Kindred wouldn’t mind.

“Not at all. Touch me however you wish, Lilibet,” Light murmured, his silver-gray eyes suddenly half-lidded. “I am yours to command.”

“I don’t mind if you want to touch me either,” Dark growled. He and Light were standing side-by-side, half turned towards each other as Lili paced around them.

“Thank you, boys,” she murmured, going around behind them. Lightly, she trailed her fingertips over their broad backs, tracing the angles of their shoulder blades and the groves of their spines.

Dark shivered under her light touch and a low, aroused growl rumbled up from his chest.

“Gods, little Lili—your hands are so fucking soft,” he said hoarsely as she stroked his back down to the curve of his ass.

“I agreed—extremely soft.” Light also sounded slightly hoarse. His skin was a slightly paler purple than Dark’s, Lili noted. She liked the contrast of her tan hand against their unusual skin color.
