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“I didn’t realize how tired I was until we got into the truck,” she whines.

“I feel the same. I’ll let Travis out, then we can take a nap, or watch a movie or something.”

“Mhmm,” Josie mumbles, her eyes already shutting.

I chuckle to myself, heading to the sliding door where Travis is doing his tippy-tappy potty dance.

He takes care of business in record speed, rushing up the porch steps to come back inside. I let him in, and he bolts to Josie’s side. He climbs up next to her on the couch, where she opens up the blanket she’s curled up in. Travis slides right under the blanket, nuzzling into her side.

“Wow,” I say with a laugh. “Nice to know where I stand on the cuddle pyramid.”

Josie flails her arm around, eyes squeezed shut. “C’mere, honey,” she murmurs. “You need cuddles too.”

“Travis is taking up all the space,” I say in a whiny voice. I’m intentionally being dramatic, but really, I just don’t want to nap on the couch. I’ll wake up with a crick in my neck. I’m not the young kid I used to be. I used to sleep on the cold ground after a late night bonfire party.

“You can push him down?” Josie says as a question. Almost like she’s saying, “Duh?” She cracks open an eye, pursing her lips to stop her laughter.

“Sure, like that’s an option.” I stand in front of her, offering her my hand. She takes my outstretched hand, and I slowly pull her up.

When she’s standing, she taps Travis on the head, and he slides down off the couch, grumbling as he does so. Josie adjusts the blanket, wrapping it around herself like she’s a burrito.

“Look at my little Josie-girl burrito,” I tease.

She has to tilt her head to glare up at me. “You wish you were as comfortable as I am right now.”

“Good thing we’re about to get into bed.” I swing her into my arms, letting the blanket trail behind us. After we reach the side of the bed, I set her down on her own two feet. I pull down the comforter and sheets, opening up the bed for her. She bends down, sliding off her socks, then her tight jeans. She’s left in just her purple lace thong, and tshirt. I have to physically hold myself back from groaning, because holy fuck, I don’t think I’ll get enough of her anytime soon.

I curse the way my dick hardens, because now is not the time. Josie does some fancy maneuver, yanking her bra out from underneath her shirt. She heaves a sigh of relief, and I pause for a moment, a question popping into my brain out of nowhere.

“What does it feel like?” I ask.

Josie sits on the edge of the bed, then lays down. “What does what feel like?’ she asks through a yawn.

“Taking your bra off. You made the happiest sound when you took yours off just now.”

Josie snickers, rolling onto her side. She reaches out her hand for me, beckoning me into the bed. I kick off my jeans, throwing my shirt onto the floor so I’m in only my boxer briefs.

“I don’t know how to describe it, Andrew.” I slide into bed next to her, covering us both with the blankets. She curls herself into my side, burrowing her head in my chest. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. “Imagine your balls being over five pounds each. Next, imagine having to put something on to lift them up, making your back hurt and your shoulders ache. Then, try to picture what it might feel like to take them out of their cotton prison at the end of a long, exhausting day. Pure relief, that’s all I have to say.”

A shudder wracks through my body at the horrible mental image. That must be a form of torture, and Josie, and all other women experience it everyday? Fuck, that sucks. Josie yawns again, her eyes falling shut. Travis is circling at the foot of the bed, before finally plopping down on my feet. “Huh,” I answer. “I’ve never thought of it like that. I’m sorry, petals. That sounds horrible.”

She sleepily laughs. “Can’t say I’ve ever had someone apologize to me for having to wear a bra, but thank you, honey. I appreciate it.”

With a kiss to her forehead, she slips into a fast sleep, while I’m left thinking about how much I like this girl. Things with her have been so easy… so natural, I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, or for things to go south.



Andrew’s hand palms my breast underneath my shirt, squeezing gently. The hand relaxes after a long moment, but holds there, cupping my full breast in his large hands. I’m on my side, facing away from him now, the opposite of where I was when I fell asleep. My ass is tucked into his groin, and I can feel how hard he is, just by shifting my hips ever so slightly.

Is he awake? Or is he just holding me like this in his sleep? I try to angle my head to peer back at him, but I’m not successful. I listen to his breathing, and decide that he’s still sleeping. I snuggle in, not willing to leave his warmth just yet. I doze off and on for a while, not sure of how much time has passed, when his hand slides down my stomach.

He trails his fingers up and down the softness there, then up to pinch my nipple between two fingers. Andrew groans into my neck, the vibration tickling my skin. Gasping, I reach my hand back to hook around his hip, pulling him as close to me as possible.

“Hello, sleepyhead,” he murmurs, kissing up and down my neck.

“You’re the sleepyhead,” I reply. I try to shift myself to face him, but he doesn’t let me move. “I’ve been awake for a while.”
