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“Does this mean I can change my relationship status on Facebook to ‘in a relationship’?” he giddily asks.

“When was the last time you even used Facebook?” I ask in return.

“I don’t know, but I’ve always wanted to change my status to in a relationship, and never did with any of the other girls I dated.” His smile is wide, like a child on Christmas morning.

“Yeah, you can change your relationship status,” I tell him. “I’ll change mine too.”



The last few weeks have felt like a whirlwind in the best possible way. Andrew and I have spent most of our free time together, at either his house, or mine. He’s helped me deliver arrangements, clip flower stems, and even seemed curious about putting together a bouquet. I let him create his own bouquet for his mom. Her birthday is this weekend, and he wanted to do something nice for her. We spent time in his shop while I watched him work on various projects, snuggling with Travis on the couch. His grandpa stopped by a few times while I was there as well, and we watched Andrew work while we talked. He told me all the embarrassing stories I could ever want about Andrew, all while watching his face turn a bright cherry red as he worked, trying to ignore my hushed laughs. Earl really is a sweet gentleman.

Tomorrow I have another wedding on the books. After a handful of meetings and phone calls with the bride, we settled on the arrangements and florals she wanted. She’s extremely laid back, making this whole process easy on me. I’m sure I’ll have brides in the future that have me rethinking my career choices, but for now, I’ve been lucky.

Once the date was ironed out and official, I started placing orders and arranging my schedule to accommodate. While I tried to tell Andrew he didn’t need to be my assistant, he insisted. He’s currently making sure all my vases are accounted for and in the back of my car. I’m getting the bridesmaids bouquets finished up and in the fridge for the night when he walks back in, Travis following behind.

Travis has been coming over a lot too, and he and Velma tolerate each other surprisingly well. Travis runs to my side, sitting on his hind legs, giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes.

“Aww, do you want some pets?” I bend down, snuggling up to him. His tail wags furiously against the concrete floor of the garage, and Andrew chuckles.

“I’m pretty sure he likes you more than me, petals.”

“Nah, I’m just someone new, that’s all.”

“You’re not new, not anymore,” his voice is tight with conviction.

I shrug, standing up and wiping my hands on the front of my jeans. I suppose it has been a couple months now. “I have to finish a few more things, and then I think I’m ready for tomorrow. You can head out if you need,” I say, silently hoping he wants to stay. We haven’t spent the night together since the night of our first date, when we fell asleep in his shop. He’s proved his point of wanting me for more than sex, and the aching need for him grows every second I spend in his presence.

“I was thinking,” he slowly responds, stepping up to press his front against my back, wrapping arms around me. The heat of his body is burning a fire of desire through my icy, pained, veins. “We could watch a movie?”

A shudder wracks through my body, hoping, wishing, praying that he means something more. “A movie is good,” I squawk, keeping my face turned from him to hide the redness and my shaky hands. Andrew slides next to me, turning so he can rest his back against the fridge, hooking one leg across the other. His arms are crossed over his chest, the fabric of his black tee tight around his biceps.

Brown eyes filled with pure lust stare down at me. I turn my gaze away. Breathe. Get it together, Josie. “Okay, I need fifteen minutes to finish this.”

“You got it, petals.” Andrew shifts off the fridge, cleaning up the loose petals and leaves from my workstation, and sweeping the floor for me. The incessant heat fades momentarily while I continue to work, doing my best to ignore the flutters trying to claw their way up my throat.

When I’m finished, I slide the perfected bouquets into the fridge, and do a final count, making sure I have the correct amount of corsages, boutonnieres, and bouquets. After a third time counting, I’m content that I’m ready for tomorrow. Andrew is going to help with the heavy lifting, and anything else I might need.

Hands slide around my waist to the front, where thumbs hook onto the belt loops of my jeans. The heat climbs. Andrew’s warm breath tickles my cheek as he squeezes me tightly. “Done?” he asks.

“Finally,” I murmur, turning around into his chest. His hands stay at my waist, moving with me to rest on my ass. Stop being such a horny bitch, Josie. Play it cool. “What do you want to watch tonight?”

“Doesn’t matter. I just wasn’t ready to leave yet,” his voice is husky, tickling my inner ear. He tugs me closer, allowing me to tilt my head to look into those golden brown eyes.

My hands shake with anticipation as I step back from him. Andrew lets his arms drop, his eyes growing heated as I walk backwards away from him. “Let’s go inside,” I breathlessly say, my voice betraying me.

Andrew nods, and I spin, heading up the stairs into my house. I try to walk slowly to hide the urgency I feel, but I can tell I’m practically sprinting. The heat between us is getting to be too much to bear. His heavy footfalls follow close behind. I fling the screen door open, running into the house, kicking my shoes off with each step. I hear the thud of Andrew’s boots, and the tippy tap of Travis’s paws.

With heavy breaths, I stop in the middle of the kitchen. Travis runs right past me, heading for the living room to find Velma. I’m pretty sure he likes her more than she likes him. Andrew stands in front of me, and I swallow hard, trying to eliminate the giant lump that’s set up shop in my throat.

Andrew is the first to break the staring contest, striding over to me, reaching down to clasp my hand in his, dragging me into the living room. He turns the lamp in the corner on, casting a warm glow over the room. Travis is curled up on the couch, staring at us, waiting for the two of us to join him. “Travis, get down,” Andrew commands, though his voice is soft. Travis gives us a sad look, his face the literal definition of puppy dog eyes. He flops to the ground, circling a few times before laying down, tucking himself into a little cinnamon roll.

“Come here,” Andrew says, even though he still has a hold of my palm. He sits on the couch, pulling me down next to him. The large picture window faces the street, my couch settled in front of it, the blinds open. Anyone that passes by can see in my house, and I’ve never cursed the window as much as I do right now.

“Um,” I stammer. “One sec.” I reach behind him, dragging the curtains closed, cursing myself for purchasing the sheer fabric when there were plenty of other options that were less see through.

When they are closed, I sit down next to Andrew, settling myself into the crook of his arm. He raises his brow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I like the way you think, Josie-girl.”
