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“Yeah, she’s my best friend. How many times do I have to tell you she’s just my best friend. Nothing can ever happen between us. I can’t lose her, Andrew.” His eyes are pained, brows pinched together.

“You wouldn’t lose her,” I state. “But I’ll drop it. If Josie wants to go to the brewery tonight, I’ll text you, but I think we might just spend some one on one time together.”

“Yeah, that’s fair,” Beau says, the earlier darkness fleeing. “Have fun tonight.” He turns, heading for the door.

“Hey,” I call. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he says, giving me a gentle wave as he leaves.

I feel bad for taunting him, but he and Marley need to get their shit together. Anyone that doesn’t know them already thinks they are a couple.

I get back to work after a few minutes, working on the project that I can’t wait to complete. I have a feeling it’s going to be my favorite one yet.

Josie texted me about fifteen minutes ago, letting me know she was home from the shift she picked up at the diner, and that I could come over whenever. I, of course, promptly stopped what I was doing, and ran inside to shower. I showered, shaved, and now I’m in the truck on the way to her place.

I pull into her driveway, spotting her cat, Velma, in the front window again. I climb out of the truck, shutting the door and shoving my hands into my pockets. The rickety garage door is shut, and I stride up to it, remembering what she said last week, that her front door doesn’t work well. I can hear music playing from inside the garage, and the song sounds vaguely familiar. I knock a few times, but I don’t think she will hear me, with how loud the music is. After a long moment with no response, I open the door slowly, giving her a moment to hopefully see the movement. Through the crack in the door, I spot her at her small workstation, swaying her sexy hips to the beat.

With the door open fully, I step through, shutting it behind me. “Josie,” I call, trying to get her attention without frightening her too badly.

She spins around, a hand dropping to her stomach. “Jeez, Andrew, you scared me!”

“Sorry.” I cringe. Striding over to her, I bend my knees slightly to wrap my arms around her waist. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I knocked a few times, but I think your music was a bit too loud.”

Josie chuckles, leaning into my chest. “My bad. I can’t help but listen to this song at full blast.”

Unwrapping my arm from her waist, I use my free hand to tilt her head up, brushing a soft kiss to her lips. “Hmm,” I moan. “What song?”

“Uh,” she breathes, her eyelids fluttering as she tries to process her thoughts. She shakes her head slightly, opening her eyes to reveal her slightly glossed-over eyes. I feel a weird sense of pride, knowing I can affect her so much with such a small action. “It was Animal, by Noah Kahan.”

“I knew I recognized it,” I murmur, kissing her gently again. “He’s great.”

“I agree,” she mumbles.

“I missed you this week.” I don’t care if I sound like a love struck teen when I tell her that. I am a love struck teen when it comes to her.

“We talked everyday, Andrew,” Josie jokes. “But I missed you, too.”

“I have something fun planned for us tonight.” I squeeze her gently. She looks up at me, eyes wide.

“What might it be?” she questions.

I shrug playfully. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see. Are you ready?” I glance down, noticing her outfit. In a cute pastel pink cardigan, tucked into a tan corduroy skirt, with sheer black tights and black boots on, she looks so fucking cute.

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Well, don’t you look adorable,” I say. I take a step back to get a better look at her. Motioning my finger for her to give me a twirl, I watch as her face heats, and she smiles.

“Really, you want me to spin?” she giggles. “It’s really not all that great of an outfit, Andrew.”

“I strongly disagree,” I state, twirling my finger again. This time, she takes heed of my wordless instruction, spinning slowly for me to get a good look at her. Her red hair is straight tonight, hanging down to the middle of her back, and she has on minimal makeup, only using it to accentuate her already beautiful features. “Mhmm,” I mutter. “God, you’re perfect, petals.”

Unable to keep my hands off her, I close the small distance between us, tugging her close to me again by her hips. She gazes up at me, her face flushed.

“You really like my outfit?” she asks, sounding unconvinced.

“I really, really, do.” Showing her just how much, I cup her chin, kissing her. She tastes like a sweet cherry cocktail, and it is the perfect compliment to Josie herself.

“Alright, let’s get outta here before we never do,” I say when we break apart. I shift my hips backward to try and hide my growing dick, but I’m pretty positive she already knows, as there’s a glint in her eye, and her brow raises.
