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After all my gloating, I can’t let him catch me. Focusing on the gates a couple hundred metres away, I give myself one last push. I’m keeping my eye on the prize, zoning his taunts out. Stride after stride, I ignore the searing burn cutting through my chest, the adrenaline of the chase giving me that last burst of energy.

The wrought iron is practically cheering me on at this point. Right there. Right in front of me.


I’m swiped sideways. The world is free-falling around me. Panic implodes in my burning chest. Before I can catch myself, I crash full force onto my front.




Iwas blessed with the ability to slow shit down in my head. It’s what made me a great winger. The instant I set eyes on the ball, I could track it like a low-speed target at a high-speed pace that only had one outcome—a damn great catch.

It’s been a long time since I’ve run this fast with the life-dependent purpose of catching. That realisation comes with an anxiety that adds a weight to each stride. Still, I push through it so I can get to her.

“I’m coming for you!” I call, hopping off the sludgy path onto the crisp snow.

When she glances over her shoulder at me, my heart trips over itself, pinballing between my lungs with a brutal force that propels me forward.

I’ve missed this raw, limitless power burning within me. The thrill of the physical chase for the win and reward far exceeds every high I’ve sought in years. As much as I want to get my hands on her, I want to drag this out. In sport, it’s always go, go, go. However, there is something delectable in prolonging the pursuit, especially when it’s a beautiful woman who gives as good as she gets while also being down-to-earth.

Every cell of my being lights up the closer I get. Even with her admirable effort and impressive pace, my legs are longer, and my body naturally thrives on pulling every last vestige of strength.

“Is that all you got, Ms Teacher Champion?” I tease, knowing that’ll fire her up some more, even as her body begins to struggle.

Predictably, she hunkers down, focusing on that last push to get to the gates before I get to her. The concentration pulls her forward, making me chuckle at the way the green bobble on her hat bobs all over the place.

I’ve got to give it to Cassidy, she’s not far from home. Those gates are almost in reach when I spot the vending bike hurtling towards her in her blind spot. The asshole is on his phone, and the speed that he hits the frost makes it impossible for him to brake.

He’s going to take Cassidy out cold, and the cart drifting behind him will crush her.


Lunging forward, I throw my entire body weight into catching her with enough force behind me that my body rolls to the side, taking her with me. With my arms wrapped tightly around Cassidy’s trembling body, I hold her to me, shielding her from the impact as best I can.

Cassidy doesn’t move, and if it wasn’t for her erratic breathing and her heaving chest, I’d be worried I hurt her.

Instead, I’m more concerned about sheltering her from the prick that almost took her out. He’s standing above us, yelling in his language, which only makes his hysterical outburst sound meaner.

“I got you, darling,” I tell Cassidy when she tries to burrow deeper into me.

Manoeuvring her across my lap, I sit up and check her over for peace of mind before I get to my feet, taking her with me. The fuckwit is still yelling, albeit offering a word here and there in English—mostly the insults because that’s the one thing that’s easy to learn in every language.

“Are you crazy?” He rounds me to attempt shouting in Cassidy’s face. “You stupid bitch!”

“Hey!” I call as I coil my arm around Cassidy and bring her into my side. “You don’t get to yell at a woman you hurt, asshole.”

“I’m asshole?” He’s giving me all the crazy hand gestures, pointing at himself, then his bike on the other side of the path. “She hurt me.”

“I’ll fucking hurt you if you don’t shut your goddamn mouth.” I take a half-step forward before I stop, noticing the way Cassidy stiffens at my side, digging her heels into the ground.

“Leif, please…” she begs, tugging at my arm. “Don’t.”

I’m not the kind of man that lets shit like this slide, but there’s a panicked frenzy in her eyes that gives me pause.

“It’s my fault,” she tells me, glancing at the man apologetically.
