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What am I on? Horse-Jesus?

As we traveled through the forest, I realized why this was Arion’s most dangerous form. If you could ride him, he could take you anywhere in the world in only minutes. Maybe even seconds.

And I thought my horse was cool.



We reached the cottage in no time, though I had to pull Arion to a rather abrupt stop. As Walker and Cadence flew forward, I braced myself against their weight. I barely kept from toppling over Arion's shoulder.

When I was sure I wasn’t going to fall, I caught my breath and studied the familiar cottage. Its thatched roof was still in perfect condition, and its brown walls were covered in green vines. Purple flowers bloomed on them. Flowers of all different colors lined the stone-paved path that led to the tiny building. The grass was as perfectly neat as it always was spelled to be.

Some of it was thanks to our family’s magic, but most of it was because of Josephine. Her family was known for its earth magic.

Magic like Cadence’s.

Arion snorted and stomped his feet. He already wanted to run again.

“Calm down,” I whispered to him and patted his neck.

Arion was always hardest to communicate with in this form. He lost himself in his own speed. Left to his own devices, I wondered if he’d run his heart out.

“Is it safe to get off?” Walker asked.

I laughed, and it bordered on hysterical.

“Yes, cowboy,” I answered. “Do you know how to get off a horse?”

I couldn’t see him, yet I knew he rolled his eyes.

“Just hold onto Cadence, would you?” he grumbled.

I reached back and did as he asked. Cadence was light in my arms. It was incredible that such power had erupted from such a tiny body. It made me think of my own Awakening—I’d launched a tornado at an Elder in the middle of a ceremony. She had told me I was too young to participate.

She was wrong.

Mom and Josephine had never been prouder.

“Goddess,” I whispered, “I wish you two were here.”

Walker swung his leg over Arion and stuck the landing on shaky legs.

“Huh?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I snapped. “Take her. I can give her some herbs inside. They’ll help her regain her strength.”

He grabbed his sister. It was normal to pass out for several hours after an Awakening, but it was hard to imagine sleeping through a ride on Arion, no matter the circumstances. I threw my own leg off my familiar and swung myself down. I wasn’t much more coordinated than Walker, though I would never admit it to him.

“Okay, friend,” I said. “Time to change back.”

Arion snorted at me.

“Please,” I added. “You won’t be able to come inside in this form.”

He snorted once more, then quickly shifted into his cat form. I was grateful he bothered to listen to me. I needed some cuddle-time with my feline friend.

The day isn’t over yet, I reminded myself.

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