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My heart lurched upon the most horrifying realization of my life.

I can’t save her.

“Finish them,” the Master told his followers.

With fang-bearing grins, the vampires encroached farther.

“Go!” Freya shouted. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Go, now!”

I kept running.

She hadn’t left me.

I wouldn’t leave her.

Footsteps pounded down the hall behind me. I turned my head and nearly fell to the ground in shock. Cadence raced after me with unnatural speed. Her little arms pumped at her sides, and her hair flew behind her. Determination lined her face.

Her eyes glowed bright enough to light the hall.

Even the Master stared at her in wide-eyed shock. She pushed past me to face him. Entranced by the power she emanated, I was too late to stop her.

“Let her go,” Cadence demanded.

It was her voice, but not. Power amplified the words. The dungeon’s halls rattled from the force of it.

The Master sneered, but his expression wasn’t as venomous as before. Fear softened it.

“Be gone, witch,” he ordered. “I’ll even let you keep your human.”

Cadence smiled, and it wasn’t recognizable in the slightest. Gone was the little girl in her eyes. Magic and vengeance swirled in their depths.

“Wrong answer.”

She pointed a single finger at him and said a single word.


Huge roots grabbed the Master’s feet. While he was distracted, Freya wrangled an arm free and elbowed him in the nose. His grip loosened just enough for her escape him. She ran to my side and watched my sister’s—

My sister’s spell.

“Help me!” the Master yelled at his followers. “You imbeciles! Help me now!”

They glanced at Cadence and didn’t move an inch.

Huge, pink-speckled, green walls grew from the roots, until they towered over the Master. Screaming like a caged animal, he clawed and pushed at them. Their membranous walls stretched but held strong. He tried to climb them, but they were too tall and too slick. Long spikes grew on the tops of the walls.

“It’s a flytrap,” Freya whispered. “She summoned a whole godsdamned Venus flytrap.”

Beyond the Master, a similar green wall covered the entrance, and the vampires who’d crept into the dungeon hall now clawed at it to get inside the castle halls. None of those on the other side fought to escape. The Master continued to thrash and scream, but his words were too muffled to understand.


The trap snapped shut, and he went completely silent.

Just as quickly, Cadence collapsed. I caught her just before her head hit the stone.

I gasped. “Cadence!”

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