Page 72 of Pony Rides Fast

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“You heard her,” Griz said, putting his phone away.

“Sir?” one of the FBI agents asked.

Harris waved them off. “Proceed as normal. Begin the search. You, there… check behind the bar.”

“You heard Bec… you heard our attorney,” Pony said.

“Yes, well, I think I’ll take my chances,” Harris said, looking him up and down. “You’re the one they call Pony?”

“That’s right. How’d you know that?”

Harris didn’t answer that, but said, “You can make this go easy. Especially for yourself.”

“Is that so?”

“Once we find what we’re going to find, your options start to diminish. If I were you…”

“If you were me,” Pony said, “you won’t be talking this fucking stupid.”

“Don’t be such a tough guy,” Harris said. “Of anyone in this little club of yours, you’ve got the best chance at walking out of this with minimal blowback. Considering your military record, the Bureau would probably consider…”

“How do you know about my military record?”

Harris smiled. “I know all kinds of things about you. You’d be shocked to discover what I know about you.”

Pony found himself getting more and more angry, furious to the point where he wanted nothing more than to punch this FBI fucker in the mouth and make him count the teeth that spilled out. Over and over during his life, he’d run into guys like this, officer types who tried chickenshit moves to break apart the loyalty of those they could wield power over.

But he couldn’t swing away like he wanted to. He wasn’t stupid. Getting violent was exactly what this fed wanted. If helet himself cut loose, Harris would have all the reason he needed to arrest Pony.

Pony wasn’t about to make it that easy for him. But at the same time, he wasn’t about to let this fucker disrespect him or his club, either. So his resistance would have to be a bit more clever. Nothing that was enough to warrant an arrest.

“Hey, Griz?” he said.

“Yeah, Pony?”

“I was just wondering. Is it illegal to tell an FBI guy to go fuck himself?”

Griz smiled, recognizing the new game that Pony wanted to play.

“That’s a good question,” he said. “I’d like to think it’s perfectly legal to tell him to go fuck himself. Or maybe even to tell him to shove his warrant up his ass until he can taste paper.”

“That’s a good one. What about telling him it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I say a single fucking word to him about the club that’s my family?”

“Sounds fine to me,” Griz said. “What do you think, FBI guy?”

“You two keep up the jokes,” Harris said, nodding and narrowing his eyes. “Keep up the jokes. I’ve heard it all from so-called tough guys, and they all crumble and fall apart once the arrests start. I’ve seen tougher guys than you break down and cry in the interrogation room.”

“Oh, I might break down and cry right now, just looking at your face,” Pony said, then added to Griz, “Was that rude to say?”

“A little rude, but they say the truth hurts.”

Harris looked like he was about to retort, but the front doors to the clubhouse crashed open and Becca, hugely pregnant and looking like she was about to fall face forward due to theimbalance caused by her belly, half-waddled, half-stormed into the bar.

“Which one of you is Agent Happy?” she said.


Harris gritted his teeth, glaring at Becca. “Harris. Agent Harris. You must be their legal counsel.”
