Page 25 of Griz Rides Tall

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“Death’s Head,” Griz said.

“Right. Death’s Head. I don’t want to see the Death’s Head guy get away with this either. He killed a woman and he should be held responsible for it.”

“So let us handle it,” Ripper said.

“No. We let the police handle it,” Becca said. “That’s my price. You want me to get involved with your stupid gang bullshit… and believe me, I want zero to do with any of this… then we do it through legal channels. I will identify the driver, testify, all that, but only on the condition that you let the police handle this. No shooting up the town or whatever nonsense you normally do.”

What am I doing?she thought.What am I saying? I’m volunteering to testify against some gang member, to get involved in all this when all I wanted was to sit on my sister’s couch in a robe and watch daytime TV for a couple of days?

She didn’t see any other choice, though. These biker guys did have a point. She couldn’t do nothing. But there was no way she was going to be a part of starting a gang war, one that might get her sister killed in the crossfire. This was the only thing she could think of to walk the line in between.

It was Boomer who spoke first. “I realize this is… outside of the way we would normally like to handle this, but there may be an opportunity here.”

“Opportunity?” Ripper said.

“We’ve got a good relationship with the local police,” Boomer said. “But it wasn’t always that way. We had to build that up over a lot of years, and relationships need to be kept up, maintained. So maybe here’s a chance for us to help out our friends in blue and give them a win on their investigation.”

“Turn this guy over to the cops?” Ripper said.

“He goes to prison,” Boomer said. “Hit and run, felony murder. Times two, since she was pregnant. That takes one more Death’s Head piece of garbage off the streets. That’s a win for us. And the police get the credit, that’s a win for them. I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.”

“This is bullshit,” Ripper said.

“This is a win-win,” Boomer said.

Ripper shook his head. “You’ve always been soft, Boomer.”

“Smart, isn’t soft, Ripper. Maybe someday you’llgetsmart and realize that.”

“We should be hunting this guy down, and ripping his guts out,” Ripper said.

“Except there’s no way for you to do that without Becca’s help,” Boomer said. “What you can do, what we can do, is give Becca here what she wants, which is a way for her to handle this situation in a way that fits her ethics. We get the win of the killer going to prison for life, the cops get the win of the arrest and conviction. Everybody gets something.”

“If it was up to me,” Ripper said, “Miss Fancy Pants Lawyer here would be telling us exactly what we needed to know, no matter what she was thinking.”

“It isn’t up to you, Ripper,” Griz said. “Is that what’s bothering you?”

Okay, good one, Chewie, Becca thought.Got to give it to you on that one.

“Fuck it,” Ripper said. “Whatever. Put it to a vote.”

“Good idea,” Boomer said. “Let’s put it to a vote. All in favor of Becca here giving the information to the cops, so they can make the arrest?”

“Yeah, who votes for this lady to handle it the chickenshit way?” Ripper said.

“It’s hardly chickenshit,” Griz said. “Especially for her.”

“That’s right,” Becca said. “Wait, what?”

“Once she identifies the driver and testifies in court, Death’s Head will know who she is,” Griz said.

Oh, God, the Wookie’s right, Becca thought.The right to know one’s accusers. How did I forget about that?

“So she’s taking a huge risk on herself,” Griz said.

“Hang on,” Becca said. “I think we need to…”

“Anybody here think she’s a coward?” Boomer said. “A civilian who’s ready to face down our enemies with us, on her terms?”
