Page 21 of Griz Rides Tall

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Becca suddenly felt hollow inside.

“Come get me when you can, all right?” Kate said.

“Yeah,” Becca said, and hung up the phone.

“That lady didn’t make it, did she?” Wyatt said.

“It was such a good night,” Becca said with an audible groan. “I came here to get away from the… disaster that my life has turned into, and now… this is awful. Just awful.”

“This is the kind of thing our club stands against in this town, Becca,” Boomer said. “This is why we’re here. To keep the wolves at bay. Please… just have a nice, friendly conversation with my club, and say your piece without any concerns. Like I said, I guarantee your safety.”

“You can always walk away after that,” Griz said.

Becca looked back and forth from big bearded face to big bearded face. They seemed so earnest, so reasonable, that listening to them started to seem like a good idea.

“I know I’m going to regret this,” she said. “Fine. Fine. But I’m telling you right now, I am not going to be a party to any kind of violence or murder or any other criminal shit you guys are into.”

“Fair enough,” Boomer said. “Now, I’m sure your sister is waiting on you, so I won’t keep you any longer.”


“I can’t believe I agreed to do this,” Becca said the next morning. “Go to their biker clubhouse.”

“I should go with you,” Kate said. “Shit, I can’t. I’m working. I’ll call out. I’ll go with you.”

“No, no,” Becca said. “Don’t call off of work. It’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” Kate said. “I know this is way outside of what you’re used to.”

“No kidding,” Becca said. “But I’m sure it’ll be fine. If things get weird, I’ll just… hide in Griz’s beard or something.”

“All right,” Kate said slowly. “If you’re sure you’ll be okay.”

“How bad could it be?” Becca said.

Two hours later, as she stood in front of the clubhouse along with Boomer, Griz, and Wyatt, Becca started to change her mind. This was a terrible idea.

She was out in the middle of nowhere, standing in a gravel parking lot in front of what looked like either a roadhouse bar, strip club, or both. Never in a million years would she ever have considered stepping foot in a place like this, and now, she was going in there to tell a bunch of outlaw bikers exactly how she was going to not give them what they wanted.

All because she’d blurted out at the wrong time how she’d seen the Death’s Head’s license plate number.

“Me and my big mouth,” she muttered to herself.

“What was that?” Boomer asked.

“I said, ‘nifty clubhouse’,” Becca said. “Doesn’t look rapey at all.”

“Becca, I want to thank you again for coming out here to talk to our people,” Boomer said. “I know this is a stretch for you. I promise, you will be perfectly safe. You have my word.”

“And mine,” Griz said.

“Okay, okay,” Becca said. “Let’s just get this over with.”

The inside of the clubhouse was a bit less intimidating then the exterior, or maybe that was because it was mostly empty. It looked like a small bar and grill, with a few empty booths and a long wooden bar that looked to have several hundred bottles of liquor on the shelves behind it.

“You guys must like your whiskey,” Becca said. “Are we the first ones here?”

“The others will be in our meeting room, in the back,” Boomer said. “This way.”
