Page 12 of Griz Rides Tall

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She hadn’t been paying attention at the time, lost in her own concerns, but now, here one of them was, and she’d had the bad luck to not only run into him, but also to talk a lot of shit to him on the street.

She fled back to the restaurant, back to the safety of being indoors, around lots of people, and with her sister and Griz and Wyatt. Maybe the two bikers wouldn’t normally be her first choice of companions, but right now, she couldn’t wait to see them again.

They must’ve seen it on her face as she bolted back into the restaurant, carrying her shoes and looking like she’d seen a ghost. All three of them were on their feet as soon as they saw her.

“Becca?” Kate said.

“There’s a… a… one of those guys,” Becca said, then took a second to pull herself together. “There’s one of those guys. The Skull Head guys.”

“Death’s Head? Here?” Wyatt said.

“Did he hurt you?” Griz said.

“Yes. No,” Becca said. “I mean, yes to the being here, no to the hurting.”

“Where is he?” Griz said.

“He’s, um, he’s in a car, like an old beat up muscle car, parked on the street,” she said. “Back toward where we our car is.”

“What’s he doing?” Wyatt said.

“I don’t know,” Becca said. “He was just sitting there smoking cigarettes. He threw a plastic cup of soda out onto the street and I said something. When he stuck his head out of the window to yell at me, I saw the tattoo.”

Griz put a hand on her shoulder as he moved past her, and for once, Becca didn’t shrink away.

“We’ll take care of it,” he said. “Right, Wyatt?”

“What are you going to do?” Becca said.

“Just going to scare the guy off,” Wyatt said. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Becca said, as the two men disappeared into the street. “Yeah, right.”



“Yeah, Griz?”

“What are we doing?”

“What do you mean?” Wyatt said.

“I mean, what are we really doing?” Griz said. “Are we really going to just scare him off?”

“You’re thinking something else?”

“We’ve talked about this before,” Griz said. “Death’s Head keeps pushing us and pushing us. We’ve been more than patient with them. We need to push back.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Wyatt said. “These assholes don’t listen to reason. Still, let’s just play this one by ear and see what we see, right? We’re in the middle of town with tons of civilians walking around.”

“Not the best time to make things bloody,” Griz said.


Wyatt had a point. Their MC, Razor’s Edge, had built a reputation over the years as the unofficial guardians of the town… the whole county, in fact… and a big part of keeping that reputation intact relied on their keeping violence to a minimum.

Still, Griz couldn’t help but wonder if they were only making things worse by delaying the inevitable. Time and time again, Death’s Head had made small incursions into their territory. In years past, they’d always been able to put a stop to it with a small show of force.
