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She's still looking down the road, and I can see the stress on her face. Something's up. That protective feeling that only she can inspire in me rushes forward, and I know that I'm not going to give her a choice. I know what she needs, even if she's going to be stubborn.

"Let me rephrase that." I take her gently by the shoulder and turn her so she's looking at me and only me. Cupping her chin in my hand, I force her to focus while I say my piece. "I'm taking you home. You're not riding the damn bus when you leave here. Ever. And I'll pick you up for sessions, too. Now let's go."

Bailey opens her mouth like she's going to protest, but she sees the look on my face and stops. I lead her over to my truck, open the door, and help her up. I bought the truck, a huge black Ford, brand new a year ago. It's one of my most prized possessions.

Bailey's tiny next to me, and I find myself smiling at how small she is. It makes me feel so much bigger, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it turns me on. She’d be so easy to pick up, to move just how I want her.

Bailey is quiet, pulling her seatbelt on and looking anywhere but at me as she does so. "I, um. I don't need you to pick me up, at least. My friend Renae drops me off on her way to yoga classes."

"Fine. But I'm taking you home. Every day. After every lesson."

Bailey looks at me with her big blue eyes and bites her lip. She doesn't argue with me, but I can see the wheels turning. "But why?"

I pull out into traffic, keying in the address she gives me into the GPS. "Because you said you're being stalked. How the hell do you think I'm going to let you take public transportation when someone is out to get you? What kind of man would I be if I let you do that?"

Bailey looks down, and I see a tear run down her cheek. Fuck. She's so sensitive. My heart breaks for her.

"I'll protect you, baby," I tell her. "And I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

She takes a deep breath, and then meets my eyes, nodding. "Thank you, Porter. You've already helped me so much, and we've only had two sessions."

"I'm serious, Bailey. I'm going to take care of you." I don't tell her how or that I plan on taking care of every portion of her life, not just her self-defense training. She's not ready to hear it yet, so it might scare her off. But Bailey is never going to want for anything ever again. The more time I spend with her, the more I'm positive that she's meant to be mine. For now, though, I'll let her think I'm just her trainer, and that I'm talking about her lessons and nothing else.

I've always had a strong need to protect women, and Bailey is no exception. But there's something about her, about her sweet nature and her innocence, that calls to the very deepest part of me. I'm going to have her, sooner rather than later.

Bailey swallows and nods, wiping at her eyes. "You're a good man."

"Not just a man," I tell her, trying to make her smile. "A boxer. A fighter. You're in the hands of the best, baby."

She's blushing again, and I can't help but grin. Soon enough, she's smiling too, just like I planned.

* * *

The drive is twenty-five minutes with traffic, and I keep Bailey talking, telling me about her life and her family. Hearing that her father abandoned the family makes me so angry that I could tear the steering wheel off the dash. It makes sense that she'd be so flighty around me—first, her dad disappears, and then her ex stalks her. It's amazing that she trusts men at all anymore.

But I'm not just asking these questions to learn about her. I also need to keep myself distracted because being this close to her, smelling her sweet scent of vanilla and jasmine, is driving me wild. Her legs are bare and tan, and every time I glance over at her, she's shifting and crossing them, which sends her scent directly at me.

By the time we pull into the driveway, my cock is so hard I could use it to pound nails, and Bailey's flushed face and parted lips aren't making it any better. Our close proximity isn’t lost on her.

"This is a cute house," I tell her, glancing at the pale blue bungalow.

"It's not mine," she admits. "It's my friend’s. I'm staying here for the summer."

This catches my attention. "The same friend that had handprints on her window? You're still staying here?"

Bailey just shrugs, looking uncomfortable. "It's the only place I have."

I flex my hands on the steering wheel, trying to control myself. This pisses me off even more than the bus riding. This asshole following her knows that she lives here, and even if she's staying with a friend and isn't alone, it's still not safe enough for my liking.

"Bailey, let me help you." The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them, and the look on her face makes me glad that they did. "I mean it. I have plenty of room. Stay with me."

"Porter, I couldn't." She looks like she's going to argue, so I cut her off.

"We can go get your stuff tonight. You don't need to go back there."

"But, Porter, I just met you yesterday!" Her voice is rising in pitch, her nerves getting the best of her. "I'm perfectly safe with Renae."

I can tell she's on the edge, and if I keep pushing, she's going to flee. And I am really, really looking forward to that massage tonight, so I'll give her a tiny bit of space. Even if I still plan on moving her in with me.
