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Renae watches me. "Then why are you getting all defensive?"

"Because he's my trainer! I don't know him that well."

"But you'd like to, wouldn't you?" she teases.

"Shut up," I mutter, walking into the kitchen. "He's too old for me. You're wrong. It's not happening."

"Okay, whatever you say. Hey, have you heard from the asshole today?"

I sigh, grateful for the change of subject. "No. He's been radio silent. Maybe he's finally given up."

"Yeah, and maybe you'll win the lottery tomorrow," Renae says dryly. "Bails, the guy is a creep. He's not going to give up unless you make him. You need proof—pictures, videos, or something."

"I know." I pull the container of Chinese takeout from the fridge and grab a fork, walking back into the living room. "It's just … I feel so stupid for ever letting it get to this point, you know?"

"Hey," Renae says softly. "Stop. You aren't stupid. And none of this is your fault. I wish you’d stop blaming yourself."

"It's hard not to."

"I know."

We lapse into silence, and I finish my food, tossing the container back in the fridge and taking a shower. I don't want Ian on my mind, especially when I'm showering, but as soon as I push the thought of him away, Porter is right back at the forefront of my mind.

He's a handsome man, for sure. And his hands were so big, and his voice so warm, and when he looked at me, there was something in his eyes I hadn't seen before.

I shake my head, scrubbing my hair furiously with shampoo. What am I thinking? Even if I want to go there, there's no way it could work. We're not just miles apart in age. He's my trainer, for God's sake.

But … there's something about him. Something I'm drawn to, and the more I think about him, the more I realize that it isn't just a physical attraction. It's so much more than that.

He makes me feel precious, important even.

It's something I've never felt with a man before, and it's definitely foreign.

And dangerous.

The fact that Renae can guess the chemistry between me and Porter just from my descriptions isn't good. It means that I'm not just imagining things, and it's not just the adrenaline of trying something new to protect myself from Ian. I'm actually attracted to Porter.

The thought follows me into the shower and as I lie in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling. There's no way that a guy like Porter would want anything to do with a girl like me. Except … the way his eyes linger on my body makes me think that he does. And I don't think he wants to wine and dine me. At least, that's not the only thing I think he wants.

What is it that Renae said? Porter wants to fuck my brains out? Could he, really? The thought is both terrifying and exhilarating. It's a side of myself I've never explored, and the thought of Porter opening that up, showing me that side of myself, makes me want to scream.

But I don't scream. Instead, I pull my blanket up to my chin and continue to stare at the way the streetlights play on the ceiling, trying and failing to ignore my racing heart.



I have to be at the gym early to let the contractor in, and after two entire hours of listening to numbers and timelines, I'm ready to go back home. And the day hasn't really even started yet.

By the time the crews have come in to start work on the pool, it's time to unlock the gym, but it's still dark outside. I've gone ahead and discounted the next month and a half for my members since I know that the sounds of all the construction are going to be distracting as hell. Like clockwork, though, the early birds are waiting at the door, construction or not.

I've got my own distraction driving me up the wall, and as I warm up for the day, she's heavy on my mind.


She's so fucking beautiful, and the more I learn about her, the more I'm interested. There's a vulnerability and strength within her that calls out to the protector inside me, and when I was with her yesterday, it was the first time in years I felt … alive.

Just the thought of her makes me hard, and I have to work extra hard to control myself. When I was showing her how to hold a punching bag, my cock had been inches away from pressing up against her ass and it was all I could do not to reach around and squeeze her, press her up against the bag, tug those leggings down, and bury my cock in her.
