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"A little. But in a good way, if that makes any sense.”

My lips press together. "I would have avoided it if I could.”

"It's okay," she protests, but the words don’t come easily. The poor thing must be exhausted. "Please come back to bed."

I toss the washcloth onto the floor and slide under the covers with her. Bailey cuddles up to me immediately, and I pull her close. It's not long before her breathing steadies, and her body relaxes. I press a soft kiss to her forehead and sigh.

We definitely crossed a line tonight. A big one. Now there's going to be no slow seduction, no long, drawn-out dating games. I've claimed her fully, and there's no going back. The thought makes me grin. I'm damn glad we crossed the line. The sooner she fits her life into mine, the better.

I'm falling hard for her. But does she feel the same? Does Bailey even know how she feels? I can't lose her. She's too important to me. As I drift back to sleep, Bailey warm and sweet in my arms, I think about all the things I've wanted in life and fought to get. This will be no different. Bailey will be mine. My woman. My wife. All I can do is hope that she falls just as hard, just as fast.

Because I'm more than ready to start our lives together.



It's been a month since Bailey came to 'stay the night' and crawled into my bed, giving herself over to me in every way. I let my sweet girl think that she would be going back to Renae's as long as she needed to, but as the days stretched into weeks, it became more and more obvious that she wasn't going anywhere.

Bailey will stay with me. This is no temporary thing.

I don't want it to be.

I was half in love with her by the time she moved in with me, and after that first night in bed together, it was pretty much a done deal. I was fucked. And not just literally.

I've taken it slow with her in bed, letting her build up her stamina and explore what she likes while making sure she's well and truly pleased each time. Five days a week she comes to the gym to have her boxing lessons, and the rest of the time she either spends helping Keith at the front desk or just staying home and basking in her new role as a kept woman. I'll never stop her from furthering her education if she wants, but there will be no more dorms and cafeterias for my Bailey. Never.

Renae the roommate wasn't thrilled with the setup, so I did the only thing I knew how to do to gain her trust. I gave Renae a free membership and set her up with lessons from Mark. At first, she scoffed and wasn't interested, but when Bailey told me the ridiculous amount of money she was paying to go to the yoga gym up the road, I knew Renae wouldn't turn her nose up at a free membership forever. I wanted her in the gym, seeing Bailey and I working together, and taking in just what type of man I was. A successful man. A good man who could provide for her friend.

And when I took Renae out for lunch one day and slipped her a check for five thousand dollars to put toward Bailey's bills for the next six months, I knew I had her firmly in my pocket. That girl loves her best friend. It was an easy way for Renae to see that I could support Bailey and take care of her needs. That was when her grumbling and suspicious stares faded into smiles.

During the day, Bailey and I built our future brick-by-brick. And at night, I fucked her until she sobbed my name. All the while, I fell more and more in love with her.

Why haven't I told her? I guess a part of me has been holding out on the idea that she'll confess first. I hate to admit it, but there's a part of my heart that’s soft for this woman—a part that would celebrate her telling me that she loved me first. But if that isn't going to happen, then I'll fucking do it myself. I've had the words ready to burst out of me for too long now, and I'm tired of not being able to tell her.

Tonight, I'm cooking her a romantic dinner and finally, finally, laying my cards out on the table.

I'm so busy putting the finishing touches on my masterpiece that I don't hear the front door open or Bailey's footsteps across the kitchen floor. She stops short when she sees me, her eyebrows raised, and her lips parting.

"Well, hey." Her eyes travel from my face down to the apron I'm wearing, and Bailey giggles. "What's all this?"

"I made you dinner."

Bailey sets her bag down and walks closer, smiling at the candlelit table. "You didn't have to do this."

"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to." I turn away from her, slide the steak off the pan and onto a serving platter, and set the lid back on. Then, I reach out a hand and tug her against my chest. "How are you, beautiful girl?"

"Good." Bailey tilts her head back and winds her arms around my neck. "Really good."

I lean down, brushing my lips against hers. "Good."

Bailey goes onto her tiptoes, pressing her lips harder to mine. I growl deep in my chest, and my hands slide down to her ass, squeezing. "Don't get started, baby girl," I murmur against her mouth, "or you'll find yourself bent over the kitchen counter, and dinner will get cold."

Her eyes sparkle and Bailey nips at my lower lip. "Maybe that's what I want."

I chuckle and swat her ass. "Sit down. I've been waiting all day for you, and I'm hungry."

Bailey slides into her chair and smooths her hand down her dress. It's a soft pink and hugs her curves. My little girl has been dressing up for dinner lately, and it's driving me mad. I like knowing she's going to be looking her prettiest for me, but I also like knowing that her gorgeous body is all mine under those clothes.
