Page 95 of Steel Promise

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Renzo’s awake, sitting up, and looks so fucking strange in the hospital gown with IV lines running into both arms. He looks exhausted, and I expected him to harden the second he spots me, but that doesn’t happen. Instead, he only gives the three of us a weary nod.

“I’ve been hearing the sirens,” he says, his voice a rough croak. “Tell me what you did.”

“It was mostly him,” Carlo says, gesturing at me.

I hang back at the foot of his bed. Everyone turns to stare, but I can only look at my older brother. His eyes narrow, and his head tilts.

Then a smile brushes his lips.

“Took up the gun for me, huh, brother?”

Hearing that word, brother, it feels better than I ever expected.

“It’s what you would’ve done for me.”

He nods once. “You’re right.”

“You should’ve seen him,” Carlo says, grinning like a maniac. “Master fucking tactician. The Russians had this elaborate trap planned, and Saul kept us from stumbling into it.”

Renzo grunts and waves me closer. “Tell me everything.”

I spare no details. The girls don’t love it, but Maddie can’t drag herself from Renzo’s side, and Allegra’s been in the mafia world her entire life and she’s used to this shit. Stefania squirms, but she’s my sister and she can handle it. Renzo listens patiently, interrupting only a few times to ask good questions.

When I finish, the room is subdued. Renzo looks thoughtful, but exhausted, and I’m reminded that he nearly died barely twelve hours ago.

“Can I have the room?” His voice is still strong though.

Maddie sits up. “That’s not a good idea. Are you sure?”

“Saul and I need to talk.” Renzo looks at her and pats her hand. “Give us a few minutes.”

“Are you up for this? It can wait.”

“I’m fine. I promise.”

She looks like she’d rather cut off her own arms than leave, but she kisses him gently and lets Allegra lead her away. The others file out after them, but not before Carlo gives me a thumbs-up.

I’m left alone with my older brother. The strength seems to drain from him and he gestures at the chair Maddie vacated. “Don’t get shot,” he says. “Fucking sucks.”

“Doesn’t look fun.” I sit down and lean forward, elbows on my knees. “For what it’s worth, we made them bleed for it.”

“Thank you,” he says. I sit back in surprise. “Carlo would’ve run off half-cocked and gotten himself killed. Thank you for stepping up, even though you didn’t need to.”

I nod and look away. “I may not be the underboss anymore, but I’m still your brother.”

He doesn’t respond right away. I can tell he’s struggling to keep himself together. That’s Renzo—even after nearly dying, he hates showing any weakness. I may not always agree with him, and I think the position’s gotten to his head, but he’s a solid Don. The family’s in good hands with him.

“I shouldn’t have said those things,” he says, which isn’t an apology, but it’s more than I expected.

“I should have told you about Molly from the start.”

“There’s a lot we both fucked up, but I overreacted. I should’ve understood, but I was too angry.”

“I know. There’s a lot of pressure on you.”

“Always.” He leans his head back. “You’re not dead to me, Saul. You never really were. I’m sorry.”

I reach out and put a hand on his arm. He nods at me slightly and I nod back. “I’m sorry too. And I’m glad you’re not dead.”
