Page 23 of Braking for Daddy

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He gave my shoulder a squeeze and stepped away. “I knew I could count on you, James. Let me know if you guys need anything. We have full access to whatever budget is required to keep the primary safe.”

“These threats… What do I need to know?”

He shoved a manila envelope into my hand. “Probably nothing directly that you need to worry about, but stay alert. If you need backup, I’ll pull others in, but I think a show of force might provoke something, so just stay aware as always.”

As soon as Benny took off, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Max. I’d expected to be off shift at six when the primary finished his last meeting, but I probably wouldn’t be home until closer to ten and I wanted to make sure he would be okay. Sunshine, I have to work late for the next few days. Probably wont get to see you until Friday night.

He responded immediately, which made me feel both good and bad. Boo. I’m going to miss you.

Me too, baby. I’ll be home by ten tonight. If you’re still up and want to chat with me during my shower, lemme know. Otherwise, I’ll be up with you in the morning.

Text me when you get home, Daddy. I’ll wait up.

Not getting to see my boy on Wednesday or Thursday was rough. So when I got home on Thursday night and saw him sitting on my front porch, it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Every ounce of weariness and stress was completely gone. “Hey, sunshine. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

Max jumped up and gave me a hug. “I missed you and wanted to be here for your shower in person.”

“I like how you think. Let’s get inside.”

We took a shower and kept it PG-13. Okay, not completely PG, but we didn’t get off. An extra thorough cleaning was just part of the process, but we stopped before either of us could come. I wanted him in my bed.

As we were drying off, Max glanced at me and then headed toward the bedroom. “I was talking to Brayden the other day, and he made me realize something…”

I dutifully followed and pulled back the covers for him to slide between my sheets. “What’s that?” I slid in beside him and ran my fingers through some wet strands of hair, pushing them aside, so I could see his eyes.

He tucked his chin but looked up at me. “I think I’ve been breaking one of your rules.” He scrunched his nose. “The important one.”

“They’re all important, sunshine. You’ll have to be more specific.” I trusted him completely, so I knew whatever he had to say wasn’t a dealbreaker, but he had my full attention. If I put some expectations on him that he wasn’t able to uphold, I needed to know it so I could remedy the situation.

“I’m still confused about what I need and what I want, and I haven’t been sure how to talk to you about it so… I want to talk about it now.” He pushed all the words out in a single breath and then gasped.

Sweet boy. “I’m all ears. No matter what you say, I’ll listen and do everything I can to give you what you need.”

“Well, I know I told you that I am not into age regression, but I guess we both know that isn’t fully true.”

I smiled. “I’m glad you’re willing to acknowledge that now.” I kissed his forehead, and then my hand slipped down to the back of his neck, rubbing the soft skin underneath his ear. “Go on.”

“Well, sometimes…when it feels right…I want to be able to regress and be more…Little.” I was about to open my mouth when he held up his hand to silence me. “Let me just get this out or else I might not.”

I nodded and brought his hand to my mouth, kissing the back of it.

“But I don’t think it’s going to be a regular thing. I mean, maybe when I’m stressed out or I need a particular release, then I won’t be afraid to regress, but I want you to know that it won’t be all the time. Probably. Is that okay?”

I raised an eyebrow, waiting to make sure he was done. When he nodded, I leaned forward and dropped a kiss on his full lips. “Of course that’s okay. When I first saw you at Primal, I could tell that you weren’t completely comfortable with the same level of age-play as the other boys you were with. And that’s perfectly fine with me. I want you to explore your kink in whatever way feels right to you. Whether you regress twenty-four seven or never again, I’ll be here to take care of you and your needs. You never have to worry about that.”

“Are you sure?” He bit his lip, reining back his relief. “What if your needs aren’t being met?”

I smiled and held his hand to my chest. “I don’t think that’s possible. You’re already exceeding every hope I’ve had for a partner, and I love you so much that it’s impossible to imagine not being happy with you.” Now it was my turn to stop him from speaking when he opened his mouth to chime in. “But I promise to follow the same rule, and if I do need something from you, I’ll tell you. You’ll never have to worry or wonder what I’m thinking. I’ll always be as open and honest with you as I hope you’ll be with me.”

He sucked in a quivering breath and swallowed. “Okay, but can we just go back to one thing you said?” He held up his finger and then bit the tip of it. “Back at the beginning of all that…”

“About you exceeding my hopes?” I raised a brow, feigning ignorance. “Because you totally do.”

“No, not that.” He shook his head and pursed his lips. “After that.”

I looked up and thought about what I’d said. “About me following the honesty rule? I think it’s only fair, don’t you?”

Max grinned and shoved at my chest. “Yes, but not that either. You know what I’m talking about.”
