Page 13 of Braking for Daddy

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I bit my lip and thought about it for a moment before shaking my head. “You’ve already been here with me before.” I kept the camera on my face as I used my free hand to release my dick so I could pee. “Unless this makes you uncomfortable. Which is totally okay if it does. Had I not been drinking last night, I probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing something like this for…ever.”

The casual expression on James’s face shifted to one of concern. “I’m so sorry for letting you drink that much, sunshine. I should have stopped you sooner. And I’m especially sorry if you aren’t comfortable with anything that happened last night. That was my bad.”

“No, it wasn’t.” I put the phone down on the vanity so I could wash my hands and then carried it back with me to the bedroom. “I didn’t mean it like that… Well, maybe I did, but I’m glad we skipped weeks or months or years of awkwardness and got right down to the bottom line.” I looked right into his eyes through the screen and sighed. “I mean, I think that’s the bottom line. This is all really new to me, and to be completely honest, I don’t actually know what I like or don’t like or need or don’t need or want or don’t want.” I took a deep breath, trying to stop my rambling from turning into something even more embarrassing. “But I really liked everything that happened last night, and I hope you weren’t upset by anything that we did.”

His jaw relaxed. “Not even a little bit. How’s your stomach feeling?”

I looked up at my ceiling fan as I thought about it. “Pretty good, actually. I got up a couple hours ago and took the aspirin you left and drank all the water. I think that helped.”

“Are you hungry? I’d love to take you to brunch or even bring you something to eat if you’d prefer to stay in.”

“I love going to brunch. But no mimosas. I don’t think I’ll be drinking for a while.”

James chuckled. “Okay, no mimosas for me either. How much time do you need to get ready? I’m only about ten minutes away from you, so I can be there anytime.”

I looked down at myself and considered what I needed to do to be presentable. “I just need to jump in the shower, so if you give me a five-minute head start, I can be ready when you get here.” I thought about it for a minute. “I’ll leave the front door unlocked so you can let yourself in if I’m still in there.”

“No way. Do not leave your front door unlocked while you’re in the shower.” His tone completely changed from playful to serious. “I’ll knock, and if you don’t answer, I’ll wait. Promise you won’t leave the door unlocked.”

I smiled widely at his protective streak. He was exactly like a Daddy should be. “Okay, okay. I promise. I just didn’t want you to wait if… Well, I might need a few extra minutes in the shower.” I winked to let him know exactly what I meant by that.

Max growled a little and closed his eyes. “Well, now I’m gonna need a shower too, sunshine. I’ll be there in twenty.”

Feeling frisky, I decided to push my luck even more. I had no idea where this boldness was coming from since I could no longer blame it on the alcohol, but I wanted to find out where James’s limits were as much as my own. So I decided to push forward. “You’ll need ten whole minutes? I guess I haven’t properly motivated you if it’s gonna take you that long.”

James raised an eyebrow as if challenging me to go on. “And what kind of motivation do you have in mind?”

My dick was already hard, and I could tell by the way he was moving that he was stroking himself too. Before I could let my brain stop me, I was on my feet with the phone in my hand, slipping out of my boxers as I walked back to the bathroom. “I don’t know. Maybe you can watch to make sure I don’t miss a spot.”

“Fuck, boy.” James pulled his shirt over his head and then he was walking toward his bathroom as well. “You’re dangerous.”

I turned on the hot water to warm it up and then positioned my phone against the faucet so he would have a full view of me standing under the spray. For now, I stood close enough to the camera that he could only see me from the waist up even though my fingertips were lightly grazing my hard cock just outside the frame. “Aren’t Daddies supposed to help with bath time?”

James positioned his phone so it was pointed right at his hard dick while he adjusted the temperature of his water. He also lowered the showerhead, so it was hitting his chest instead of his face, probably so he could see and hear better. “All right, sunshine. Why don’t you get in there and show Daddy how good you are getting clean.”

Damn, this is fun. I had no idea these were the kind of things a Daddy would want to do. “Okay, but I need to get a little dirty first, Daddy.” I stepped under the spray and gave him a full view from my thighs to the top of my head. “I’m so hard right now it hurts.”

“Sweet boy…” James was stroking slowly as he leaned back against the shower wall with his eyes glued to the screen. “Show me how you like to make it feel good.”

I widened my stance so I was secure and pressed my back against the cool tiles, making sure he could see my full length as I wrapped my fingers around my cock and stroked myself. Every other pull, I wrapped my palm over the head to rub in the pre-come beading at my tip.

“You’re so beautiful, Max. I could just sit and watch you forever.”

No one had ever called me beautiful before. Cute or handsome, sure. Maybe the occasional “gorgeous” when someone was trying to get lucky. But never something as soft and genuine as beautiful. I used my free hand to slide below my dick and cup my balls, rolling them in my fingers as my fist moved faster.

“So are you, James.” I had teased him about being my Daddy a few times, but it felt too presumptuous to just give him the title without knowing where he stood. Then again, he’d definitely been calling me his boy, so maybe we were on the same page. I watched his fist work up and down his thick cock and couldn’t hold back any longer. Tilting my hips and bending my knees just slightly, I slipped two fingers into my ass and pumped harder.

“Yes, boy. Let go. Show me how good you feel.”

I closed my eyes and arched off the wall, stroking quickly with most of my emphasis on the sensitive skin around my head. “Yes, Daddy. It feels so good.”

I came with muscle-clenching convulsions as I shot my load into the spray and straight toward the camera. It didn’t get that far, of course, but it would have been awesome if it did.

When I opened my eyes, James was pulling his hand away from his shaft with a thick string of come connected to him as he let out a shaky breath. “Boy, where have you been all my life?”

“I’m right here, Daddy. Come and get me.”

