Page 350 of The Devil's Fire

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“That’s not how it works! You can die if you don’t get it treated!” Ellie’s eyes pleaded with me.

“If you can’t fix it without putting me under anesthesia, then I don’t want it. I don’t have time for this.” I could feel the minutes slipping away, taking me further from Althaia. I couldn’t afford to waste time here.

“… Sometimes, I hate working for you.” Ellie sighed but still mentioned there might be something she could do. “This won’t hold forever, but it should buy you some time.”

I lay still on the hospital bed while Ellie began to stitch the wound. She made a makeshift brace, securing it around my midsection to prevent me from straining the gunshot wound.

“You’re lucky you work out as much as you do. Thicker muscles make you slightly more bullet-resistant, and thank God it didn’t hit any vital organs.” She grumbled while she fixed me.

“Ellie?” I felt her gaze on me, but I kept staring at the ceiling. “If Althaia were to be pregnant… what are the chances of the fetus surviving if she was given a sedative?” I felt her still, and she went quiet. I closed my eyes, already knowing the answer to my question.

“The fetus is most vulnerable in the first twelve weeks. Stress and trauma inflicted on the body… It would be a miracle if it survived.”

“I see.” I answered curtly.

“Is there a chance she is right now?”

“No.” As much as I longed for a child with her, every fiber of my being prayed there was no possible way she was pregnant now. The pain after losing the first one… It would devastate her to go through it again. And there was no way on earth I would ever let that happen to her.

Never again.

“What’s the status?” I turned to Luca, who appeared by the doorway. He frowned slightly before he spoke.

“No signs of Lorenzo yet, and Arianna… was stabbed.” I jolted up to my feet and pushed past Luca.

I barged into the room she was in, my eyes landing on her sleeping form on the bed with tubes and needles attached to her. My mother was by her side, her eyes red from crying, and my father was present as well, a dark look on his face.

I stepped closer to her, my hand shaking in anger as I touched her face. I briefly closed my eyes, leaning down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“You’ve got this, Arianna. You’re a fighter. Always remember that.” I whispered to her. “She’ll be okay.” I told my mother. She said nothing and just nodded.

I turned to look at my father.

“It’s time to make them pay.”

“How’s your head?” I asked Raffaele, who had a bandage wrapped around his head.

Ellie followed me and finally had me sit still to finish up my treatment. I had gathered Antonio, Giovanni, and Luca in Raffaele’s room to get an update on everything. They had minimal injuries, nothing that would significantly affect them, which was good as I needed my best men to fight.

I had lost men, and even though Gaetano took us by surprise by being one step ahead, we still overpowered the ones in the castle as we had prepared for war.

“They knocked the shit out of me before I could warn you.” He groaned and winced as he touched the back of his head. Ava was next to him, looking more pissed than ever.

“What happened?” I asked.

“The entire system was hacked. They gained access to the cameras, the power, and even intercepted the comm links we were using. Before I could regain control and block them, I was knocked out." Raffaele explained with a sullen look. “Before that, I got the trademark of who it was. It’s Ghost.”

I rubbed my jaw at the information.

Now it made sense why we were having difficulty tracking the phone calls in the beginning. Ghost was known for executing schemes without leaving a trace, hence the name.

The intriguing part was that Ghost didn’t work for anybody and only performed a one-time task. This meant Gaetano was paying him millions, if not more, to keep him around for longer.

“I should have known, but given that this is unusual for Ghost to do, it didn’t cross my mind. My pride is hurt, and I’m going to show him who he’s messing with.” Raffaele sneered.

If there was one thing about Raffaele, it was that he took pride in what he did. The look on his face right now told me he was ready to go to war with Ghost.

“Good, because I need you to find out where Althaia and Cara are.”

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