Page 70 of Filthy Lawyer

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He was wasting his time trying to find something that only existed in his mind.

"Okay. What all do you have?"

"We have some notes from an old building inspector and we discovered some eyewitness testimonies about the night in question."

"Eyewitness testimony is literallythe worsttype of testimony." Damien finally looked up, his eyes bloodshot red.

“With all due respect, that's not true,” Tony said. Nonetheless, I assure you that these eyewitness testimonies are airtight.”

“Okay, Tony.” Damien put away his pen. “What color pen was I using just now?”

“A black one.”

“Rachel?” He looked at her. “What color was it?”


“And Elizabeth?”


He slammed it onto his desk.

It was light green.

“You three are lawyers with very high IQs. Yet, you were all staring at me for over a minute and you couldn’t determine what color pen I was using. Get me something better than bullshit eyewitness testimony.”

"Can we have a copy of the case file, so we can get an idea of what you need?" Rachel asked. "It's kind of hard to--"

"What you can do is get out of my office and come back when you've done the work I've asked you to do."

We stared at him blankly.

"Get out." He glared at us. "All of you. Now."

Later that night,I returned to Damien's office, slipping inside without knocking.

I cleared my throat, waiting for him to turn around from the windows, but he stared straight ahead.

“You know,” I said, “it would help us a lot, if we knew what you were looking for.”

“I’ll let you know when you find it. Keep digging.”

“I told them to call it a night and come back next week.”

“What?” He turned around. “Who gave you the authority to do that?”

“No one,” I said, moving closer. “Do you know what day of the week it is?”

“It’s Tuesday, Elizabeth.”

“It’sFriday.” I looked into his eyes. “And yesterday, when you demanded that I meet you at court and you got pissed that Judge Asher blew you off? That meeting was weeks ago and that case was closed.”

He stared at me.

“What the hell is wrong with you lately?”

“I’m burning up inside.”

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