Page 26 of Filthy Lawyer

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“My offer letter said that I would only be required to worksixtyhours a week.”

“Some of my clients may call for emergency assistance during odd times.” He continued talking, ignoring my comment. “You’ll travel with me whenever that happens. Do you have any questions?”

“Yeah.” I looked at my notepad. “I have quite a few.”

“That’s unfortunate.” He didn’t give me a chance to ask them. “On any given week, I may have several court sessions, a series of depositions, research, and meetings, and no two weeks are ever the same.”

I stopped writing.

I’d experienced this brand of assholery before. This man wasn’t telling me any of this to inform me; he wanted tooverwhelmme.

Opening the door to a massive conference room, he ushered me inside.

Boxes of files were stacked high against the wall, and folders cluttered the oval table near the window.

“This is your very first assignment, Miss Tanner.” He tapped the top of the stack. “I need these summarized as soon as possible.”

“Allof these?”

“Of course not.” He opened a closet, revealing even more stacks. “I need these done, too.”

He picked up a small remote and hit a button, forcing the double doors on the other side of the room to come into view.

“You need to handle the boxes in there as well,” he said.

“Okay, wait,” I said. “Are you going to tell me how you like your summaries done? And when exactly is all this due?”

“I’ll let you know when I’m open for questions. Spoiler alert: It’s not today.” He left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Later that night

My back achedas I opened another box. I’d barely made a dent in my work, and even if I worked for the next fifty days straight, there was no way I could finish these anytime soon.

Hell, thisyearwould be pushing it.

“Are you finished with the Robyn files, Miss Tanner?” Mr. Hamilton stepped into the room. “I need those, if so.”

I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

“I haven’t started on them yet.”

“Excuse me?”

“I haven’t started on them.”

“I heard you the first time,” he said. “I was just hoping you’d say something less ridiculous the second time around.”

I sighed. “Mr. Carter isn’t helping me with anything.”

“You need his help toread?”

“To make sure I’m doing things the right way,” I said. “It’s literally my first day.”

I waited for him to say something sympathetic, but he pulled out his cell phone, tapped the screen, and held it up to his ear.

“I thought you said Miss Tanner graduated from Harvard,” he said. “Is there a non-Ivy league one I’m unaware of?”

I crossed my arms.

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