Page 46 of Knot Tied

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He was about to kiss me but halts. Leaning away, he stares at me. “What did you just say?”

“I said I’m going to meet Iris.”

Confusion flickers in his eyes. He turns toward Simon with a questioning gaze.

“Rory didn’t believe me when I told her that an omega could be strong enough to bring an alpha to his knees,” Simon says with a challenging grin. “So, I told her about the time Iris helped us capture Callahan.”

“Oh, yeah,” Oliver says with a nod. “Iris is hella strong and the bravest kid we’ve met.”

“I’d love to meet her,” I say, feeling an unfamiliar eagerness within me.

“So, we’re headed over there right now?” Oliver asks, looking between me and Simon.

“You don’t have to come if you’re too exhausted,” says Simon. “I’ll take Rory with me.”

“No way!” Oliver says at once. “Let me grab some coffee and let’s be on our way.” With that, he hurries toward the kitchen.

“Would you like some coffee too?” I ask, glancing at Simon.

“Nah, I’m fine,” he says.

Oliver returns in a few minutes with a travel mug in his hand.

“Should we grab some flowers and wine on our way there?” I say, looking over at him.

“Sure, but let’s not make it too fancy. There’s a supermarket on the side of the expressway we take on our way to Solveig Estate. We can buy flowers and wine there.”

“That’s a better idea,” Simon agrees. “Or we’d be late to meet them if we have to go to some fancy flower shop in town. Besides, Iris doesn’t care for such lavishness. She’d be happy with a bunch of wildflowers you picked up on the roadside.”

An amused smile comes onto my lip.

Iris sounds nothing like a typical omega.

The omega academy trained us to desire and appreciate the finest things money could buy. We’d all been taught to believe we were special snowflakes who deserved the best things in the world. The teachers inflated our egos to such an extent that we truly started believing them.

My hellish experience showed me the true reality of my existence.

Seth, Oliver, and Simon always make me feel safe and protected but I don’t want to depend on them all the time. I want to be strong enough to take care of myself.

Pride swirls in both Oliver and Simon’s eyes whenever they mention Iris.

Her story is both inspiring and intriguing. I’ve never heard of an omega who grew up thinking she was a beta. The more I learn about her, the more I want to meet her.

“My car’s outside,” says Oliver, gesturing toward the door. “How about we get going?”

“Rory?” Simon says, glancing at me.

“I’m ready,” I say, moving toward the door and opening it.

Together, we step outside.

The late afternoon sky is smeared with swathes of orange clouds. A cool breeze blows past me, lifting the stray strands on my forehead.

“Let’s hurry so that we can reach there by dinner time,” Simon mutters, hurrying toward the car.

I get into the back passenger seat with Simon while Oliver takes the wheels.

Excitement rushes through me as the car moves forward. My gaze falls on the impressive mansion in the distance, reminding me of Valerie. I make up my mind to visit her soon and thank her for the lovely cinnamon rolls she sent me.
