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“How do you know it was me?” I actually wasn’t sure what I looked like when we spoke.

“It was you,” Kiera said, holding out her hands when the server brought the large mugs of ale over. She took a huge drink when he handed it to her.

We all took a minute to raise them to Kol and then down some of our ale.

“I guess I’d better work on that for all these council meetings I have to go to now.” I groaned. The last couple of weeks had been a blur of them, and I almost missed being a trainee.

Nyx slipped his hand into mine. “It would help a little if we are going to discuss things in front of others.”

“She’s always had a lousy poker face. She can’t gamble to save her life,”Luke threw in.

Nyx looked at me. “Gambling?”

“What else do you expect a group of kids growing up in a cult to do with all their free time? We bet on everything.” Luka winked.

“Don’t you start with the stories.” I jabbed a finger into his arm.

“No, no, I want to hear the stories,” Nyx said, leaning around me to look at Luka.

“Me, too,” Kiera added, finishing her first mug of ale and moving to the second.

“We are not here to talk about me.”

Nyx grabbed me, pulled me into his lap, and I yelped.

“I’d rather talk about you than anything else in the Twelve Kingdoms,” he murmured over my lips, dropping a kiss and brushing his nose against mine.

“Where did this come from?” I breathed. He was lighter today. The closure was good for all of us.

“Just reminding you that you are all that matters.”

“Goddess, spare me,” Kiera groaned.

“And me,” Luka added.

“Ignore them, Sol,” he said, not taking his eyes from mine. “They just wish they had their mates in their arms right now.”

“Pft! Mates indeed. I’m lucky if I see daylight some days. Where do you think I’ll find a mate?” Kiera scoffed.

Nyx turned his head to look at her and grinned. “I don’t know. The Goddess moves in mysterious ways.”

I turned to look at what made Nyx smile so much and spotted Jaxus making his way through the tavern.

“Well, she has her work cut out for her. My life is my work, so I’d need a mate who is as passionate about magical theory and history as me, who is as happy to while away the hours in a library with me as he is to join us for an ale, and also happens to look good enough to eat. And I don’t believe such a fae exists.” She said it with such finality.

Behind her, Jaxus cleared his throat. “Excuse me, Kiera? I was wondering if I might have a word.”

Kiera turned slowly to him, her eyes roaming his physique before reaching his face.

“Umm, sure.” She stood and followed him to a table across the bar.

“Well then.” I smiled.

Nyx squeezed me in his arms. “Looks like Kiera might get her wish.”

“If he stays,” I counter.

“He will.” Nyx sounded so certain.

“How do you know?” I frowned.

“Because I offered him my former place on the council and the command of a flight.”

I gasped. “And he accepted?”

“He can’t yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because he needs his ryder first.” Nyx beamed and turned to watch Jaxus and Kiera. “But he will.”
