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I seethed but didn’t interrupt his speech. The King would decide what he would, but none of them could keep me from my post for long. Not without a challenge. I was the rightful heir, and Octavian had sworn to keep my position open for me. This betrayal would cut deep if I hadn’t seen the change in him recently.

The King considered, taking another massive bite, and chewing. He pointed his fork at me. “And what say you, Nyx?”

“I say he’s wrong.” I gave Octavian a half-glance, daring him to interrupt. “While I agree we are facing an ancient enemy, we are not on the brink of war. We are in the midst of a war. I think the Regent has already made an egregious error by sending another flight to the outpost after the first went missing. It cost us all those lives, and so many dragons we couldn’t afford to lose…including my brother.” I let my words sink in.

The King choked.“Excuse me?”

“What did you say?” Octavian spoke at the same time as the King.

I didn’t look at Octavian, keeping my attention on the King. It took everything in me to deliver my next words without emotion. “Kol is dead. I watched him die myself.”

“How?” the King breathed, showing a rare hint of emotion at the news my brother was gone.

I knew there would be questions, but I delivered the basic truth. “I got word from Kol they were in trouble, and Zaria and I flew directly there to offer aid. We were ambushed and barely survived, and still, we went back, trying to rescue any of the flight who survived. The only soul we got out was Luka, and we rescued Jaxus from a village along the coast when we fell back from the outpost.”

“And we’ve heard nothing about this?” The King’s gaze flicked to Octavian.

“Nothing,” Octavian said, and I could tell by his tone that he was reeling.“We have a warning system. Why wasn’t it utilized?”

“Because they have a new weapon. They can gas us with huge quantities of Dragon’s Bane, draining our magic and incapacitating us. They have exposed a major flaw in our warning system. A watch can be ambushed and taken out before they can send out the warning. Then they are powerless to do a thing as they are killed and turned. It’s mass scale slaughter.”

I kept my chin up and my gaze steady, not giving Octavian a second of my attention. I was briefing the King. That was all. He didn’t deserve my respect.

“I don’t believe trying to hold an outpost that is vital to the Twelve Kingdom’s defense was a misstep.” Octavian’s tone was indignant, though his panic was beginning to show. “How could we have predicted these new weapons?”

“I told you it was too big a risk to send another flight after the outpost was taken until we knew what we were dealing with,”I snapped back.

The King held up a hand, silencing us both. He wiped his mouth with his napkin, then threw it on top of his plate and sat back. He assessed us both. “You are fully melded with your ryder, Nyx?”

“I am.”

The King crossed his arms over his chest. “Then, I’m sorry, Octavian, and I thank you for your service, but Nyx’s claim is valid. His bloodline was ordained by the Goddess to be the protectors of the realm. It’s his birthright, and he has fulfilled the requirements to take it. War or not, I think we are only tempting fate by denying the Goddess’ will, don’t you?”

The King’s way of phrasing it was genius. How could Octavian resist being ousted when it was the Goddess’ will? The King had my respect for that.

“I think the timing is particularly dangerous, but you’re the King, and I will abide by your decision.” He dipped his head in a brief bow before taking off the heart crystal that was his badge of office. He set it down on the King’s breakfast table and stared at it for a moment. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I left a council briefing for this, and as second under our new general, I still have a lot to do.”

“You may go.” The King dismissed him, then waved for me to take a seat as Octavian stormed out the door.

“Don’t resent Octavian. He is old and thinks he knows best. He believes his experience is more valuable than your name, and most of the time I’d side with him, but this is not a case of choosing sides. Your bloodline carries the power. As first son of the Asra line, you are bound by the Goddess to lead the dragons. He doesn’t fully understand the balance on which the Twelve Kingdoms were built. Your family does. You’ve been the protectors of it since the beginning.”

“I just hope he isn’t going to be a problem,” I mused.

“You are the strongest dragon in many generations. Even more powerful than your father. I’m certain you can handle him.”

The King stood and took the heart crystal, approaching me. I stood facing him for this important moment. He pinned the heart to my general’s uniform and patted my chest. He smiled fondly. “Nyx, first son of the Asra line, Dragon of the Night. I bestow upon you the titles of General of my legions and Head of the Dragon Council. May you be the alpha the fae deserve, and the protector the kingdoms need. And may the Goddess bless your succession.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I swear to protect these kingdoms with all that I am.”

“I know you will.” He nodded, then stepped away. “Now, you’d better get to that council meeting before Octavian has the chance to start playing political games. He won’t make this easy for you.”

“I know.” I bowed and then headed out.

Now to face Octavian.


