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We rose from the bed and dressed quietly. The weight of what we faced was heavy in the air.

We joined the others on the edge of the village, and Jaxus took me aside.

When we were told we could leave by the council, I’d asked him to see if the village blacksmith could make some armor and a sword for Zaria. We had left the First Kingdom with the basic swords the trainees used. Trainees weren’t fitted for their own sword and armor until they graduated. But with untold battles ahead, I wanted her to be able to defend herself properly.

In the few days it took for my wings to heal, their blacksmith had not only made it happen, but he’d let me help design her sword. We’d selected titanium for a lightweight weapon, and when it caught the light, it reflected color like a prism. He’d even added Amethyst, her origin stone, to the hilt.

It was more than a weapon. It was a gift.

I took it from Jaxus, wrapped in a cloth, and turned to Zaria.

“I wanted you to have a sword of your own,” I told her. “So, I had this made for you.”

Her eyes lit up, and she tentatively lifted the cloth.

Her hand came to her mouth as the dawn light hit the blade and colors reflected from its angles.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you,” she whispered, lifting the blade from my hands. She tested the weight and looked at the details.

“We have some armor for you too,” I said, turning for the armor. But Jaxus was holding another wrapped bundle out to me.

“The blacksmith thought you should have a new sword too.” He pulled back the cloth and revealed a dark blade styled as a partner to Zaria’s. I lifted it and recognized the thrum of the metal immediately. It was the same metal as Emrys used when my reserves were empty. Tantalum. Something I’d never heard of until we came to this place.

It was the best metal for dragon replenishment, and now I would have it with me. “Thank you.”

We fitted Zaria’s armor and secured both swords across her back for the fight.

“Ready, brother?” Jaxus pulled his shirt off.

“Brother?” I asked.

“If we fly into battle together, we are brothers.” Jaxus held out his arm.

I grabbed his forearm, and he mine, and we pulled into a hug. “Brother.”

“For here after.” He pushed off his loose linen pants, and Zaria blinked before turning around. He chuckled. “Is she not used to this yet?”

I forced myself to keep my eyes on his, getting enough of an impressive glimpse to know what had Zaria turning around. “Not by far. I’m starting to think she never will be. Modesty was a big thing in her village.”

“She’d be rid of it here quickly. In the summers, none of us wear clothes.”

“You don’t care if others look at you all the time?” Zaria said, slowly turning around. “And you wouldn’t care if your mate saw others?”

Jaxus gave me a look. “Who doesn’t enjoy looking at bodies? I don’t have a mate, but I can say that if I did, I wouldn’t mind her getting an eyeful if she got all revved up and came home to me. Plus, I like to be admired.” His lips curled up at the corners.

“Let me know how that changes when you find a mate.” My words were part growl—a new development since claiming Zaria as mine.

“I don’t expect to find a mate, but I’ll be sure to keep you updated.”

Zaria smirked, pressing her lips to my jaw. “So, I shouldn’t be looking?”

“Don’t tease me.” I hissed, finding her mouth with mine.

“You are all I see,” she whispered against my lips.

“And you are my entire universe.” I cupped her face. “If we don’t make it, know I have loved every day with you.”

She pressed her eyes closed, fighting emotion. “We will make it. We have to.”
