Page 34 of Undone

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I snort, and Parker chucks Poppy in the arm. “Not funny, sis. At all. I have at least half, and you know it.”

“Well, at least you’re not claiming a full brain.” Poppy grins at Parker and takes another bite of pizza as Rome strolls in.

“Hey.” Unlike Parker, he bypasses the pizza, instead heading to the fridge and helping himself to a beer.

“Where’s Skye? Thought she was coming?” Poppy peers down the hallway toward the front door, but Skye doesn’t appear.

“She’s wiped from work. Said she wanted to lie down and rest. I made her some scrambled eggs and toast before I left—that’s why I’m late.”

“Such a doting husband.” Poppy beams over at Roman, a wide smile on her face.

“She’s doing all the work. Least I can do is make her some food. I did promise I won’t be gone too long.”

“Understood,” I say, secretly glad it’s just the four of us for the family meeting. Not that I don’t like Skye. This just feels like family business.

“Now that we’re all here, spill the beans, King. What’s this meeting about?” Poppy spins and faces me, one brow raised.

I’ve thought long and hard about how to deliver the news about our mom. Practiced it, even. In the end, I decide straightforward is the best way. Rip the freaking Band-Aid off and deal with the pain.

I take a deep breath, exhale, Poppy and Parker both staring at me.

“Our mom had another baby.”



“What?” Poppy’s voice goes all high and shrieky, cheeks flushing pink. “What are you talking about?”

Rome shoots me a sideways glance, and I begin to second-guess the straightforward approach.

Maybe not the best tactic here.

“A letter came. Here, addressed to Mom.” I pull the aqua stationery from my back pocket, toss it onto the table. Parker stares at the letter, brow furrowed. Poppy doesn’t hesitate, lunging forward, snatching the paper up and reading.

Her lips move as she silently reads, then rereads, the letter. A letter I’ve read dozens of times now. Not that I’m about to admit that fact.

Shaking her head, Poppy tosses the note down on the table.

“No. I refuse to believe this.” She folds her arms over her chest, frowning. “No way could Mom have another child all this time that nobody knew about.”

Rome chimes in. “It’s true, Poppy. I looked into it and found the birth record for Lacey with a little bit of digging.”

Poppy spins to face Rome, whirling so fast her hair creates a wind I feel from my chair.

“You knew about this and didn’t tell us?” She gestures between her and Parker. “After promising no more secrets? How could you do this, Rome? I expect it from him—” She jabs a finger through the air, pointing at me. “But you? I thought we were all on the same team.”

Her lower lip quivers, voice shaky, and I silently will her not to cry. I’d much rather deal with an angry Poppy than a sad Poppy.

“I was here when the letter came. That’s the only reason I know about it, Pops,” Rome lies smoothly.

“And you’re certain this is legit?” Parker scowls at the letter, still not touching the aqua square.

“Pretty sure, yeah. Looks like the baby was born five years before King.” Rome sits back, propping one ankle over his knee.

“You think Dad knew?” Parker asks, his hands gripping the table.

“Not sure.” I rattle the ice in my glass and watch as the liquid swirls round and round, an amber whirlpool.

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