Page 71 of First Touch

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My heart stops at his mention of the bar, but I play dumb. “So, where is he now?” I ask, avoiding Kyle’s shit-eating gaze from over Jameson’s shoulder.

Should I have suspected a kid like that would be mixed up in all of this? How could I though?

This area is too small, there are too many connections among the locals. I’m an outsider but I should have anticipated it.

“He slipped them after they saw him talking to the blonde bartender. We need to find out what she knows, that’s why he’s here.” Jameson turns back to look at Kyle, but he’s gone. “Where the hell did he go?”

The blood in my ears is roaring. Why would Curtis be talking to Thea?

My worst nightmare is coming true. Despite my efforts to keep her at a distance, she’s somehow gotten involved with these fuckers. I’m going to kill Curtis myself when I see him.

I whip my neck around when we all hear a car start up and drive down the lane towards the road. That’s why he’s here. Those words ring in my ears.

Kyle is going after her.

“Whatever,” Jameson utters, oblivious to my distress. “Find out where Curtis is and the first one to bring him to me gets to detonate the next bomb.” He laughs, endlessly amused with this cat-and-mouse game he has created. “My nephew already has a head start, so you better get moving.” Nephew.

I’m already running to my truck while I process that information. Gunning it down the driveway, I pull my phone out and see two missed calls from Thea. When I call her back it goes straight to voicemail and I bang my hand on the steering wheel. DAMMIT!

If he’s going straight to her then he could do anything before I make it there. I can’t let this happen, I can’t let anything happen to her.

I’m taking curves like a maniac, pushing my old truck to its limits while getting her voicemail again and again. Cursing to myself, I listen to the two she left me earlier.

Hi, it’s me. Just calling to check in and tell you that I miss you. Can’t wait to see you later. The bar’s been pretty slow so they’re going to let me leave at eleven.

I glance at the clock, it’s almost midnight, so she’s definitely home by now. Dammit, if she was still at the bar she’d probably be safer. I listen to the next voicemail that came in just after eleven.

Hey, I don’t want you to worry, but I just got done talking to that guy you know from your veteran’s meeting. He was asking about you, wanting to meet up. He said he knew that I was your girlfriend and asked me to pass on the message. Am I your girlfriend? I’m sorry, that’s silly, ignore that. See you at home.

Despite my pain-stricken terror, I laugh. My sweet Sunshine. I’m going to ruin this before I even have a chance to make it clear that she’s my girlfriend. She’s already so much more than that, but for now, it’s a safe title.

I’m such an idiot. I don’t deserve her. I don’t know why I thought I could handle this case and be involved with her at the same time. If I lose her because of it… Fuck, I can’t think like that.

Home. I just want to go home to her. Please, don’t let anything happen to her. I’ll start praying, I’ll sacrifice myself. I’ll do anything to ensure that she doesn’t get hurt. I push the accelerator as hard I can, racing towards town.

Maybe, Malec can help.

I dial his number, relaying what’s happening as soon as he answers. He promises to get to Thea’s as soon as he can and we disconnect. Right as the call ends, another one comes in. Thea’s name stares at me in all-white letters. Thank God.

“Thea!” I shout into the phone.

“What’s wrong? I was in the shower.”

“Get out of the house. Get in your car and go,” I try telling her calmly, but I can hear the panic in my voice.

“What? Why?” She asks fearfully, but I can hear her moving around like she’s doing as I said.

“Kyle’s coming. He’s involved with the people I’m investigating. Fuck. I’m so sorry, baby. I never thought this would get to you.” I feel the licks of fury climbing up my neck at the thought of Kyle being anywhere near her, it’s unbearable. Knowing that I’m not with her and can’t do anything is making me lose my mind.

“He’s here,” she says suddenly.

“What? Where are you?”

“The kitchen, my keys,” she mumbles, distractedly. “His van is in the alley out back. What do I do?” The terror in her voice guts me. Knowing that it’s partly my fault is like a knife twisting in my abdomen.

“Run. Thea, run! I’m a few minutes away.” She doesn’t respond, the call just disconnects, making me slam my phone down on the seat. “FUCK!” I roar into the confines of my truck.

Minutes later I’m slamming my truck into park in her front yard after ramping the curb. Her car is still parked on the street but her front door is wide open. I run full speed into the living room, gun out, looking for any sign of her.
