Page 5 of First Touch

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I distribute the glasses onto the tabletop before my audience. Their eyes on me are making the back of my neck sweat and I haven’t even looked up from my tray yet.

There is an aura put off when people are staring. My brain has learned to pick up on the clues and I’m hyper-aware when it feels like I’m being watched closely.

As predicted, when I look up all of their focus is on me and my face heats instinctively. I don’t like being the center of attention, especially male attention. It’s my worst nightmare.

My gaze flicks between them because they’re not saying anything and their staring is making the bar’s music sound hollow in my ears. All of my other senses are pushed aside as the awkward air becomes stifling.

When I lock on the face directly across from me, my eyes bulge. Holy crap. I quickly remove the tray from the table in an attempt to hide my reaction.

That familiar handsome face from the library was the last thing I had expected. Why is he here? Why tonight of all nights? I only work two nights a week… This is a bad coincidence.

I nod my head in dismissal to no one in particular, trying my best to make a clean break back to the bar. I need to get away from them and I need to get away from the man that stars in my thoughts already.

Unfortunately, the one who started the tab speaks up. “Well hold on, sugar. This shot’s for you.”

Dang it.

I turn back to their table, forcing myself not to look at the hottest man I’ve ever seen, instead looking at the man who spoke. He’s pointing to a shot glass, intending to give it to me. “I’m sorry, I don’t drink,” I admit reluctantly.

“What?!” A chorus of reactions rings out, giving me the exact reaction I have encountered from other customers since starting here. Aside from the library man, he’s been silent the whole time.

I can’t help it, I glance in his direction, not able to stem the urge to punish myself. He’s looking at me, curiously, but intimidatingly so. His gaze is sharp and intense.

“I know. A bartender who doesn’t drink.” I shrug with faux humor, giving the same response I always do. “Sunny gave me a chance anyway.”

I need to leave and walk away, but I can’t stop looking at library guy. It feels like a tease to be this close, but still so far. Look at what you will never have. My brain chastises me.

The dim lighting in this corner barely allows me any more details of his face than I’d get across the room at the library, but I can’t stop staring.

Though, I am surprised by his choice of friends. He seems a lot more put together than the other three, not that it’s my place to judge. Nor do I know him well enough to form an opinion.

“I bought it for you. Take the shot, anyway.” The original guy chimes in again, but harsher, breaking my spell with library man. The guy on the other side of me scoots the glass over until it’s in front of me. I can sense the entrapment like a cloud of impending doom.

“Um. No, thank you,” I force out because I’m already overwhelmed. “I can take it off your tab.” I’m trying my best to avoid the confrontation happening but my chest warms, the skin there undoubtedly getting red with my discomfort.

I pick the shot glass up, intending to take it back to the bar when a large hand plucks it out of mine. It was barely there, a feather-light touch, but his fingers brushed mine, making my stomach flip.

“No worries.” Library guy downs the dark liquid quickly, ending the issue of the wasted shot, and effectively putting all the attention on himself.

“What the fuck?” The third guy from the group exclaims, disappointed that their little game ended. As if harassing the bartender is their main source of entertainment.

Library guy shrugs. “I didn’t want it to go to waste.” He takes his time, arranging their now empty shot glasses in front of me before looking at me pointedly. “All yours, Sunshine.” His eyes burn into mine, holding my gaze until I forget to breathe.

I’m going to faint. I am going to pass out right in this spot. I’ve experienced it enough to know the lightheadedness I’m experiencing is usually a precursor to my fainting spells, but this is different.

I can’t do anything but snatch the glasses up and practically run away. God, I am so embarrassed.

I am so out of touch with men that I can’t even handle an attractive one speaking to me. Yet, he touched me. Just a breeze of a touch, but I was okay.

Maybe, I’m not so broken after all?

Chapter Four


Who the fuck is that? My mind is reeling trying to recall her. Fuck. This isn’t good.

I can’t risk blowing my cover because I can’t place how I know this girl. I’ve probably just seen her around town. It’s a small town, with plenty of chances to bump into the same people.
