Page 13 of First Touch

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My gaze is drawn to the hair curled slightly below his ears and I have the strongest urge to touch it. My fingers burrow deeper into my sweater instead.

“I’m okay. Really. I was startled earlier, but I’m fine,” I lie.

“It’s not any of my business, but was that guy an ex-boyfriend or something?” He asks, taking a small step closer to me as if to be discreet.

I sense his curiosity and maybe a little judgment mixed in at the prospect of me dating Kyle because clearly, he wasn’t a winner. Even though his proximity isn’t threatening, I shuffle back a step toward my car anyway, needing the safety of the gap between us. If I’m not mistaken, he notices.

“Uh no. Kyle’s just someone I hired to work on something at my house. He wasn’t doing a good job and I tried to let him down easy, but… You saw how that went.” I shrug but he continues looking at me curiously, with his brow slightly furrowed.

Even though I owe this man nothing, I feel the need to explain myself. “Thank you for stepping in earlier. I appreciate your help. And, for taking that shot at the bar the other night,” I might as well get it all out in the open. “I don’t handle confrontation very well… Men make me uncomfortable.” I bite my bottom lip, scolding myself for not keeping that last thought to myself.

Instead of looking at me with any type of disdain for not being able to handle myself, a slow smile appears. A lopsided grin that makes my stomach do a little somersault. His teeth are perfectly straight and he has dimples underneath his scruffily stubbled cheeks.

I could die. The butterflies in my stomach are going to burst out of me if he keeps looking at me like that.

“It’s probably a good thing you work with kids then,” he teases, taking a small step back and further away from me. “You’re slightly taller, so you can take them if they act up.”

“Only slightly?” I ask, relieved at the shift in conversation. “I have at least a foot on most of them.” I can’t help but giggle, feeling a lot lighter now that I know he’s trying to make me feel better. He doesn’t laugh with me, but rather studies me, quirking his head subtly as if amused.

“Why did you lie?” He asks suddenly, sobering me.

“About what?”

“I asked you the other night if we knew each other.”

“We don’t know each other,” I clarify.

“But, you did recognize me?”

I consider lying for a millisecond, but there is no point. “Yes.”

His sharp intake of breath at my answer makes his nostrils flare slightly, but he just nods his head. He stares at me for a second, slowly letting the grin overtake his face again.

There’s a calm confidence that he carries and it’s spellbinding. The energy between us feels charged suddenly, but instead of exciting me, I retreat into my shell. It makes me too hopeful that he might like me and I can’t think like that.

“I’m sorry, I need to head home. Thank you again for -well everything.” I add in that last part because I do genuinely appreciate him not making me feel inadequate for how I handled the situation he witnessed today and for being kind to me at the bar.

“I don’t mean to worry you, but do you want me to follow you home?” He asks, taking me off guard.

“What? Why?” I can’t hide the confusion in my voice or the panic at his suggestion.

“You said that Kyle guy was working on your house. If there’s any chance he might be waiting for you to get home…” He trails off, but it still takes another second for my brain to catch up to what he’s saying. “I’d feel better making sure you get home safe.”

He tucks his hands into his jeans pockets casually, but the way he’s looking at me from under the brim of his hat oozes worry.

“I didn’t even think about that,” I tell him truthfully. “But… Am I supposed to just show you where I live? I don’t even know your name.”

It seems silly at this point to be worried about stranger danger when he’s not given me any reason to be afraid of him, but that’s what past trauma does to a person. Gives them trust issues.

He laughs, cocking his head to the side. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Now would be the time he should tell me his name, but he doesn’t. Instead, he’s looking at me intently, hesitating.

“My name is Je-” Someone from the other side of the parking lot shouts, cutting him off.

“Hey, Jay! There you are, man!” A young guy comes walking towards us, but instead of acknowledging him right away, Jay? I assume, squeezes his eyes shut and blows a deep breath out through his mouth.

“I’m sorry. Give me one second. I’ll be right back.” He turns to his friend, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning him back toward the way he came before he can reach me. The young guy looks over his shoulder, trying to get a peek at me, but Jay tugs him along making him look forward.
