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A mantra ran through my mind that this was the right move, it was what I needed to do. The longer I sat and thought about my decision the more worried I got that I handled it wrong. I kept telling myself it was for the best, it was what I needed to do. No matter how upset my family was at me, they would eventually understand.

The flight seemed to take longer than it should have and we circled in the air for about a half hour before we could land. Because we were a little late, we didn’t have a gate to get to. By the time we landed, I was tired and stressed and just wanted to get home and do what I had come home early to do. In a daze, I walked off the plane and headed to the carousel to pick up my luggage. As I got off the escalator, I saw Laura and I took a step back, thinking I couldn’t actually be seeing her.

“Laura?” I asked.

“There you are,” she said and pulled me into a hug.

“What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

“I’m here because you’re here and my ride was going where you were going.”

“Your ride?” I asked.

“Yeah. We’re all here,” she said and stepped aside so I could see my mother, stepfather, Alison, and Cameron all standing behind us.


“We took the jet, silly,” Laura said.

“I figured that but how did you get here before me?”

“Being rich has its privileges apparently. Now do you want to tell us what’s going on?”

My mother stepped in front of me and pushed Laura out of the way. “I know you’re a grown woman but you can’t go running off like that. Not without telling us where you’re going or what you were doing. I thought Cameron told you I approved of you two.”

“He told me. He told me everything that he had said to you and what he was going to do. It was why I had to leave,” I said and looked over at Cameron.

“You left because I did what I thought was right for you and me?” he asked.


“Care to explain that to us?” Cameron asked and the rest nodded.

“You love being a doctor. Your practice is thriving, growing, and you shouldn’t have to leave it or lose your momentum for any reason. Not even for me.”

“Do you not think you’re worth giving up everything for?” he asked.

“At first, no. I didn’t want to believe that you were really into me. I thought I was a fling then I convinced myself it was one for me too. I never thought it would turn into what it was or for you to matter so much to me.

“What you said on the beach, what you were willing to do for me, for us, was the nicest thing that anyone had ever done for me. It blew me away. I could see how much you cared for me; I believed you when you said you loved me. It was then that I realized I loved you too.”

“You do?” Cameron asked with wonder.

“Yes. You’re the best man I’ve ever met. You might have hidden behind a gruff exterior and slept around because you didn’t want to get involved. I can see why you did all of that now. I can see you were just waiting for someone like me to come along.

“I can also see that I always had a thing for you, I just never thought it would happen. I didn't allow myself to see what we could be and that was why I fought you the entire time we were at Maya Sunset.

“It was only after last night that everything fell into place and when I woke up this morning, I knew there was something I had to do.”

“What? Why did you leave?” Alison asked.

I saw Alison and Ben standing next to my mother and Laura but I didn’t pay them any attention. I only wanted to talk to Cameron and make him understand what I had done and why.

“I’m going to resign from the school district. I don’t want you to give up your career, your job, your office, and all the people you have worked with and love to be around for me. It isn’t right.”

“It’s what I wanted to do,” Cameron said.

“I get that. I understand you needed to do a grand gesture for me, to prove to my mother that you really care about me. But you don’t need to do it. I love you too much to let you do that. You proved yourself by even saying you would. Now, it’s my turn to make the grand gesture for you. I knew if I told you what I was doing you would talk me out of it. I didn’t want you to.”
