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“What are you going to do when you get home?” Laura asked me.

I didn’t need to ask her who or what she was asking about, she was talking about Cameron. I sighed but didn’t answer her, however, that might have been the best answer I could have given her.

It was early in the afternoon on our last day at the resort. We were all headed out tomorrow morning. Something that I wasn’t going to think about yet. I hadn’t even packed, if I didn’t it would make my stay last a little longer.

“Still don’t know, huh?” Laura asked.

“This trip has been great. It was wonderful to have you here again and being able to see Mom and Ben together. They seem so grounded and happy. Things are going well for them and for Alison. Being able to be with Cameron was beyond incredible. It was something I never thought could happen and now that it has, I’ll never be the same.”

“In a good way or a bad way?” Laura asked.

“Both,” I answered and she laughed.

“I could see that. Cameron is an incredible guy. You two seemed happy together. You certainly seem the happiest I think I’ve ever seen you. I know it’s because of Cameron. You have to have seen the change in him too. He seems more grounded, less lost almost. That’s because of you.”

“He does seem good. Definitely happy but what man wouldn’t be if he was getting laid as often as he was,” I teased.

“Both more and less than I want to know,” Laura said with a laugh.

“I can understand that. The sex is good, the best, but it isn’t just that. I almost wish it was,” I admitted.

“If it was, it would be easier for you to walk away from him. This isn’t just sex; this isn’t just a fling. We’ve all seen that from the moment it started. You did too but you refused to see it or believe it. I think Cameron is in love with you, which is awesome and great. I also think you are in love with him which is what is scaring you and making you worried that you should run away.”

“Why would I run away from a man who loves me?” I asked.

“Because you love him and you’re afraid of getting hurt. Yes, it's Cameron, your dear stepbrother and friend. But he’s also Cameron, the player, and no matter how hard you want to forget that you can’t. I don’t know why. The man hasn’t even looked at nor talked to another woman that wasn’t staff or in our group this entire week.

“He isn’t doing that to impress you. He’s doing it because he doesn’t see any other woman but you. He loves you. You. You need to come to terms with that and what you feel for him. Once you do, you can start planning for the future that you two should have.”

“Mom still isn’t on board,” I said.

“I think Alison and Cameron are working on that,” Laura said cryptically.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing that I can tell you. Ali swore me to secrecy, plus she didn’t give me a whole lot of details. All I got out of her was that there was something that she thinks Cameron is going to do or say to your mother that will convince her that you two deserve and should be together.”

“He’s been trying all week. I’m not sure what else he can say. It’s been sweet but I would have thought he’d figure out he’s been defeated.”

“And I thought you knew Cameron better than that. He isn’t a man to give up on anything. Certainly not about being with the woman he loves.”

“You keep saying that.”

“Because it’s true. Aren’t you two having a wonderful romantic dinner tonight?”

I blushed as I thought about it. He had rented out a secluded part of the resort for us for the night. It was a private villa with its own beach, pool, and hot tub, as well as personal chef. We were going to sit out on the beach and have dinner and then see where the rest of the evening went. It was just one more incredible romantic thing that Cameron had done for me since we started sleeping together.

“He has been incredibly patient and understanding with me,” I said.

“You deserve someone who gets you, understands you, and still puts up with you. Cameron does all of that. You know him, you know all his faults and quirks and you still want to be with him. If that isn’t the foundation for a perfect relationship, I don’t know what is.”

“It’s one thing to be together when we’re at a tropical resort, it’s quite another to go back to our normal lives and routines and still find time for each other. We don’t live close to each other. It’s just another obstacle as to why I don’t see how it can work.”

“You’ve dated guys who lived far away before. You made it work,” Laura said.

“Until it didn’t,” I reminded her.

“You didn’t care about the guys in the same way you care about Cameron. Nor them you. I think you need to see what Cameron is going to say to you tonight and then go from there.” Laura slid off her lounger and grabbed her towel.
