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“I can tell. You’ve never looked at a woman the way you’ve looked at Sydney all night. Does she know?”

“She isn’t ready to admit we’re sleeping together much less that I want to marry her.”

“You’ll convince her. She’ll need some reassurance. She knows you, which is both a good and a bad thing. Ultimately, she will see the good that I see in you and the man that you can become because of her. She cares for you, how deep that goes, is for you two to find out.” he said.

“Are you going to tell Dawn?”

My father laughed. “No, that’s for you or Syd to do. If you want, I’ll keep your secret but I’m sure she’ll figure it out pretty quickly. She will see as clearly as I do what you’re feeling for Sydney. It’s written all over your face.”

“Here I thought I was a good poker player.”

“You are, but you don’t want to hide what you’re feeling for Sydney. I get that. I was the same way with Dawn. I hope it works out as well for you as it did for me. Now, if you would excuse me. I’m going to go and dance with the woman I love. I suggest you do the same.”

My father got up and went to the dance floor. I watched as Dawn smiled when my father approached. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight as they swayed to the music. I could see how much they loved each other and I wanted to have the same thing with Sydney. I stood up and walked towards everyone else. Sydney turned towards me as I approached and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

I didn’t want to be at the pub anymore. I wanted to be alone with Sydney. I wanted to have her in my arms and know that she would stay there forever. I tilted my head to the side and held her gaze. I could tell she understood what I was asking. I wanted her to leave with me. She gave a quick shake of her head but I wouldn't take it. I took a few steps forward and she shook her head at me, again.

I held her gaze. Eventually, with a sigh she gave a slight nod, and I walked out of the pub. I knew she would follow me and once she did, we were going to have a serious talk about what was going on with us and our future.

Chapter 18


It was a mistake to see him much less talk to him but I knew I needed to. I might have known that what we had was over but that didn’t mean that Cameron agreed. I knew once our parents showed up, we couldn’t be together. I thought we could have had more time and I could have convinced him I was right. Them showing up early took that away from me, from us.

He deserved to have me tell him what I was thinking and understand why we were done. I gave a lame excuse to my mother that I was tired and we hugged good night. We had been discussing going zip lining the next day. I was sure that Cameron and everyone else would join us.

It wouldn’t work if we were awkward between me and Cameron. The sooner we were able to have a conversation and understand we weren’t going to be together anymore, the better off we would be. The better off it would be for the family. I didn’t want things to be strange with us. I certainly didn’t want my mother to know that anything had happened between us.

She had mentioned something about Cameron when we were dancing. “Cameron is such a good-looking man. It’s too bad he can’t stop sleeping around. I would have thought he would have by now but I’m starting to think he never will.”

Her comment reminded me that Cameron had always been a player and probably always would be. Even if he did decide to change his way for me, I couldn’t see my mother being okay with us being together. It was just another reason why we needed to officially end things tonight.

I expected to see Cameron outside the pub. When he wasn’t there, I thought he was at the beach. I walked over to our spot and didn’t see him there. It was then that I figured he had gone to his room. I was sure he just wanted our conversation to be in private and we had always gone to his room not mine. Also, my room was closer to our parents. If we talked in his room there was less chance, they would see us.

My heart was racing as I knocked on his door. He immediately opened it as if he had been standing by the door waiting for me. He looked as sexy as ever and I knew I would always be attracted to him. It only made what I had to say that much harder.

“Cameron,” I began.

“Come inside first,” he said and ushered me inside.

No sooner had the door closed that he was pushing me up against the wall. His mouth went to mine and immediately demanded entrance. I could only hold on and let my body’s needs take over as his mouth claimed mine.

My hands went to his hips, I wasn’t sure if it was to pull him closer or to hold him off. Cameron didn’t care and moved his hips over me. I could feel his erection big and strong between us.

“It was torture being next to you all night and not being able to touch you. Your smile, your looks, your fucking hair, drove me mad. I have to have you,” Cameron said.

As if to prove his point he ran his hand down the front of my dress and between my legs. He gripped onto me tightly and I cried out. I was wet and desperate for him and by the slow laugh that came out of his mouth, he knew it too.

“Tell me you want this. Tell me you want me,” Cameron demanded.

I wanted to tell him no. I wanted to say that we couldn’t be doing this but I could. I did want him. I would still have to end things but I wanted one more time with him. If I needed to say good-bye to this, to us, I couldn’t think of a better way to do it.

“I want this. I want you,” I admitted.

His answer was to kiss me again as his hands went to my panties and pushed them down. They pooled at my feet and I stepped out of them. My hands went to his pants and unzipped them as Cameron pulled my dress down from my breasts and sucked on them. I arched into him as he sprang out of his pants and I cupped him in both my hands.

“Fuck,” Cameron moaned. “I want you. I will always want you.”
