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“Sydney is one of the smartest people I know,” I said.

“I know I’m one of the others. So, listen to me. Listen to your body and what it wants. Dad and Dawn aren’t going to be here until the end of the week. This is your chance to see if you two could have something without worrying about anyone interfering. Have a fling, or tell her it is. Say you want to help her get over Harrison. Say you’re in a rut too and you two can help each other out.”

“I won’t use her that way.”

“She doesn’t need to know that, at least not right away,” Alison said with a smile.

“Are you trying to pimp me or Sydney out? I’m not sure how that would work.”

“I’m saying, test the waters. See where it might go. You could be surprised at the results,” Alison said and then turned to take her drink from Tomas.

“Thank you,” I said to Tomas when he gave me my beer.

I didn’t answer Alison but took a long pull of the beer. I had wanted Sydney for years, that was the truth, and it wasn’t going to change. There had never been a chance, an opportunity, for me to see if we could be anything more. Either our parents were at the resort and kept us all busy or she was with someone. If I were to do something, now might be my only chance.

I had loved her for years. I just wasn’t sure how she felt about me and what would happen if we started something. I valued her and our friendship too much to let it slip away by perusing something that might not work. But as Sydney looked over her shoulder at me and smiled, I wondered if it just might be worth the risk.

Chapter 2


God, he was sexy. I couldn’t understand how the man could have gotten sexier with age. Most men got fat, let themselves go, and stopped working out. None of that had happened with Cameron. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was an orthopedic surgeon and felt that he needed to look good or he was just obsessed with his body as he had been with his education and then his medical career. There was nothing that Cameron Walker did that he didn’t give it all for. As I admired his toned body, I knew he had taken care of it as much as he had his mind and hands.

It didn’t matter what the reason was, he looked incredible in his board shorts, his tan and chiseled chest on display for everyone to see. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world as he sat at the edge of the pool and drank his beer. He smiled at something his sister, Alison, said and reminded me of a man who could be on the cover of a magazine and would have a gaggle of women draped over his arms.

I wasn’t the only one who noticed how good he looked. The woman, Trina, I was talking to had noticed as well.

“He’s single? Seriously? How has no one tied that up?” she asked.

Trina was from North Carolina and had a soft southern accent that made her crass words a little less crass. She was sweet, bubbly, and liked to talk with her hands, even if they were holding a drink. We had met at the bar and she had been quick to ask me where I was from and who I was with. When she found out I was in the same group as Cam, she got even more interested.

“He’s not one to let anyone tie him up,” I hypothesized.

“Maybe he hasn’t had the right woman try. I mean, I’m not looking for anything serious. I just want a little fun while I’m on vaca. There’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with him.”

“That might be just what he’s looking for, except maybe the tying up part,” I said and finished off my rum and Coke.

I set my drink down and Tomas was quick to pick it up. I knew he would be back shortly with another. I didn’t know how to tell Trina that Cameron was a bit of a player, including with his co-workers. He wore it like a badge of honor. Just like he had to be the best surgeon in the city, he had to prove that he was the best lover too. It would have been impressive if it wasn’t so infuriating.

There had always been a pull, a connection with Cameron and me, ever since we were younger. He might be quiet and shy but he was still very charismatic. It wasn’t just his good looks that I found appealing but his easy mannerisms, friendly laugh, and intelligent banter. I thought it would go away with time. I figured it was just young infatuation. I assumed once I got to know him better, I would see him as only my stepbrother. None of that had happened. I was still as attracted to him as when we first met. Not that it mattered, he had never shown even a second of interest in me.

I had just finished high school when my mother had brought me to Maya Sunset after my parents got divorced. I think she wanted to get me away to forget about it and to make sure I was dealing with it properly. I had been okay with my parents divorced as I had never really liked my father or how he treated her. I was still happy to have the vacation with my mother and felt she needed it more than I did.

She had gravitated towards Benjamin, Cameron and Alison’s father, immediately. I don’t know if it was because he had just gotten divorced too or if he had a nice comfortable almost non-threatening way about him. As they became friends and then something more, I got to know Alison, who was a year older than me. We bonded over being in college. She had all the juicy gossip about what to do in college and how to get away with things.

We had become friends but it was Cameron that I remember the most. He was quiet and serious and didn’t talk much. I thought he might be having a hard time with the divorce but I soon learned that was just his way. He was a man who didn’t have to say much, or at least he didn’t want to.

Our parents had stayed in touch and had decided to come back to the resort the following summer. We had continued to do the same thing through my college career. There were a few summers that Cameron couldn’t make it as he had been in his last years of college and then in medical school. The times he had come down, I had found him attractive, sexy, and as our friendship grew so did my attraction to him. I wondered if something might happen between us. It never did and now with our parents married it was never going to.

It was one of the reasons I was talking up Cameron to Trina. I had thought I would be at the resort with my boyfriend but I had ended things with him before I came down. I had been so happy to be away from him, I hadn’t thought about what it would be like to be single in a tropical paradise with Cameron. Seeing him looking so sexy in his board shorts. Being able to admire his muscular body up close and personal. Having his undivided attention as we sat next to each other in the pool was getting hard to handle. Not that the man looked at me as anything but a sister or a friend.

I had to be fine with that. We were friends and we would always be just friends. I felt the best way to keep him from invading my thoughts or for me to get drunk and do something stupid like hit on him was to set him up with someone else. If he was involved with another woman, I would think he was off limits and not do anything I would regret.

Cameron and I were friendly, we would talk often and even went out to dinner occasionally. His work and social life didn’t give him a lot of freedom and I had been with Harrison until recently and then with other guys before that. I wouldn’t say I was a serial dater, but I did like being with someone and it was odd to be at the resort without a boyfriend. I was sure that was why I was looking at Cameron as something more.

“So, should I go up and talk to him? Can you introduce us?” Trina asked.

“Cameron doesn’t need anyone to help him out. He’s been looking at you the last few minutes, if you walk his way, he’ll do the rest,” I said and took my new drink from Tomas.
