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“Was this happening before? Have you two been a thing for a while and you didn’t tell anyone? Why didn’t you tell me? How did I not see it?” Alison asked.

“It hasn’t been going on for that long. Just a couple nights,” Sydney said.

“A couple nights, as in the night before last? You little minx,” Alison said and playfully hit Sydney on the arm. “Here you were making us all feel sorry for you that you weren’t feeling well. But that wasn’t the case at all, you were playing hard to get. I can see it worked.”

“It wasn’t like that. We found each other on the beach and it kind of happened,” Sydney said.

“Are you okay with this?” I asked Alison.

By how excited Alison was. I could tell she was happy that I was with Sydney. I wasn’t sure if Sydney could see it or if she wanted to believe it. Family was just as important to Sydney as it was to me, if not more so. She would need them to be happy with us being together before she could.

“Am I okay with this? I’m beyond okay with this. I thought you two should have gotten together years ago. I told you as much when we first met. When it didn't, I honestly thought it wasn’t and I had given up hope.”

“It isn’t weird for you?” Sydney asked.

“That one of my closest friends is with my brother? No. I couldn’t ask for a better person for either of you. And if anyone could get this man to settle down, it’s you,” Alison said to Sydney.

“I’m not just your friend,” Sydney stated.

“Right. You’re like family, or almost family and if you two get married you will be officially family!” Alison said and stood up and hugged Sydney.

“Technically, we’re already family,” Sydney said as she pushed Alison back onto her lounger.

“Yeah, whatever. You think it’s strange because of your Mom and our Dad. I don’t. No one else will.”

“Others might,” Sydney said.

“What do they know? I wouldn't worry about it. Personally, I think it’s a great thing. It only makes the family that much better if you two are together. Laura is going to freak out when she finds out but in a good way. She’s going to be so upset that I found out before her.”

“We could keep it a secret,” Sydney said.

“No. We definitely cannot do that. I’m not going to and I don’t think Cameron wants to either,” Alison said to Sydney and then turned to me and said, “You’ve been really quiet. What are you thinking?”

I answered her question by putting my arm around Sydney and kissing her cheek. “You know I’ve had a thing for Sydney for a while. I was like you and never thought it would happen but now that it has, I couldn’t be happier. Sydney was worried about how you and everyone else would take the news.”

“You shouldn’t be. This is great news. I’m so happy for both of you!” Alison said and stood up and hugged us.

I could feel Sydney tensing up again at how excited Alison was. She might have been convinced to sleep with me. She might be okay with us being together while we were at the resort. But I could tell that I was a long way from convincing her that we could and should be something when we left.

Yet, she hadn’t wanted to sleep with me again less than twenty-four hours ago and just that morning she had been in my bed. She would be there again tonight. I was making progress but I needed more time to show her that I wanted us together and she should too. I was glad that I had a few more days before our parents arrived. She was warming up to us more and more but she wasn’t quite there yet. I had a feeling if I hadn’t solidified our relationship by then, there might be no getting her to stay.

Chapter 16


Laura had been just as excited to hear about Cameron and me as Alison was. She might have been even more excited and I felt bad I hadn’t told her sooner. However, everything had been happening so fast between Cameron and me, there hadn’t been much time for me to understand what was going on, much less tell my best friend.

I would have told her when she got back from her spa treatment but as soon as Alison saw Laura she yelled, “Cam and Syd hooked up!”

Laura let out a delighted squeal and ran and gave me a huge hug. She then did the same to Cameron which I thought would have embarrassed him but it didn’t. He was definitely taking them finding out about us a lot better than I was. However, he had been saying he wanted this and he hadn't seen a problem from the beginning.

Seeing how well Alison and my best friend took us being together, I started to feel a little better about it. Maybe this could work once we left the resort. I wasn’t sure how it would be for Cameron and his career or how my school board would take it. There was still the concern about what our parents would think too. I wanted to bring that up to Cameron. I wanted to remind him that while this was great, it might not last and we both had to be prepared for it. I never got a chance as Alison and Laura monopolized our time throughout the afternoon.

It wasn’t in a bad way. We had always been close and instead of things being awkward because of what Cameron and I were doing, it only made it more fun for all of us to hang out. They were perfectly happy being with us and wanting to hang out. They also had a lot of questions about how we had ended up together.

“It just kind of happened,” I said.

“Come on, it has to be more romantic than that,” Laura countered.
