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Chapter 9


Her words were like a punch in the gut. Of all the things that I thought she would say to me that was not even on my list. The morning had started out so well. I had woken up with the sunrise and been only slightly disappointed that Sydney wasn’t there with me. I honestly hadn’t thought she would stay on the lounger all night with me. They were decently comfortable but not that much, and I couldn't see her wanting to have any awkward comments from anyone if they saw us sleeping together.

I was up before the sun and went back to my room, put on some trunks and went for a run and then a swim. I resisted the urge to go to Sydney’s room and wake her up. There would be plenty of time for us to be together, to enjoy the resort as lovers. I was sure she needed some sleep and didn’t want to disturb her, yet.

After I finished my swim, I sat on the beach near the spot we had been the night before and thought about what would happen next. I hadn’t ever thought of being with a woman long term but I knew that was exactly what I wanted with Sydney. I had never thought I would have the chance with her and now that I did, I wouldn't waste a second of it.

We still had some time at the resort. I wanted to use that time for us to get to know each other better, intimately. I already knew so much about her, but there was so much more I wanted to know about her and I couldn’t wait to start. It was with a huge smile on my face that I walked to the cafe to meet the women for breakfast

The blush on Sydney’s face when she saw me was just another bright spot to my day. With her look, I knew she was reliving the evening as I had countless times already. How she wouldn’t meet my eyes told me that she still couldn’t believe it had happened. When she did look at me, I could see how much she had enjoyed herself and it only made me more resolved that she would be in my arms and soon.

It wasn’t just sex with Sydney that I was looking forward to it was everything else. I wanted to have everything with her. As I held Sydney’s hand in mine, I imagined what it would be like when I took it as I put a ring on her finger. By her comment, I was the only one.

“What do you mean, it can never happen again? I thought you enjoyed yourself.” I had never worried that I had satisfied a woman in bed before, but I did with Sydney at that moment.

She gave me a soft smile, “You know I did. That isn’t the problem.”

“There is no problem as far as I can tell.”

“Cam, you know this can’t work. This can’t go any further than what it was,” she tilted her head at me as if she was talking to a child. I didn’t like the look any more than I liked her comments.

“This isn’t a conversation for here. Come with me.”

I didn’t wait for her response but sat up and almost yanked her out of the chair. She went but I could tell she wasn’t happy about it. I was fine with that because I wasn’t happy with her either.

It was still relatively early and there weren’t a lot of people on the beach. I walked over to the far side of the beach and found an empty cabana. It had two beds with a table between them. There were curtains on all sides with the front pulled back to allow people to come in and out.

In any other situation I would be thinking about closing the front curtains and peeling off every piece of clothing that Sydney was wearing slowly but that would have to wait for later. The woman might think that we weren’t supposed to be together but I wasn’t going to leave the cabana until I had changed her mind.

“What are your concerns? Is it my past? I promise you, none of the women I was with matter like you do. I’m a changed man. I thought I explained that last night,” I wanted to get right into the issue. I wasn’t one who ever beat around the bush about anything and I wouldn’t do it with something as important as Sydney and me.

“Cam, I knew who you were when we slept together. I knew about your past. That doesn’t bother me.”

“Okay, then what is it? Are you still with, what was his name? Patty, Linus?”

“Harrison?” She said with a laugh. “We haven’t been together for some time. He isn’t a factor in this. I wouldn’t have slept with you if I was involved with someone else. I assumed you weren’t either.”


“Okay,” she said.

I wasn’t sure why she was worried if I had a girlfriend last night if she didn’t think we were going to be together. It gave me hope that she wanted this to happen as much as I did. I put my hand on her knee and felt her jump. I could tell she felt the heat as much as I did.

“Then tell me what the problem is so I can fix it?” I implored.

“It’s nothing you can fix. We can’t be together because of who we are, who you could become, or who our parents are.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re a great surgeon with an incredible career in front of you.”

I had a feeling I knew where she was going with this but I still didn’t like it. “That should have no bearing on you and me and what we could be to each other.”

“Our parents are married. We are stepsiblings,” she said as if that explains everything.

“That has no bearing on you or me either. Our parents met when we were adults, they got married when I was in my residency and you were in college. No one is going to care who our parents are or what they do with their lives.”
