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I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her hands on me but I couldn’t for too long otherwise this would be over before it started. I moved my hands to her hips and tore off her panties. She lifted her legs in the air to assist me. As soon as they were gone, I moved between her legs again. Her hands were back on my cock as she glided me to her center.

My eyes locked on hers as she pushed me inside her. Her mouth opened with need and I kissed her deeply. She moaned in the back of her throat as I moved deeper and deeper inside her. She took me in beautifully and her body accepted me as if it had been waiting for me. As I glided my way inside her, I felt more content, more in tune with her than I had felt with anyone in my entire life. I had never known what it meant to make love to someone but it felt like that was what we are doing. Everything felt better, more intense, and more incredible because it was Sydney I was doing them with.

Sydney arched her back towards me as I worked my way deeper into her. Her hips moved with me and soon I was all the way inside her. My hands stayed on her hips as I plowed in and out of her. She was so tight and so wet I knew it wouldn’t take me long to go over. I had dreamed about this moment for so long I wanted to do everything in my power to make it last as long as I could.

We broke the kiss as we increased the speed and our mouths couldn’t keep up. Her legs wrapped around my ass, pulling me closer to her. I moved faster over her. I could feel her going higher and higher and knew it wouldn’t be long before she went over. I lifted my head so I could look at her. I braced my arms on either side of her as I gyrated over her.

She took everything that I was giving her and looked like she could beg for more. Her mouth was opened slightly and her eyes were closed. I could see her enjoying every moment of what we were doing and what would come after.

“So, fucking beautiful,” I moaned.

She tightened her legs around me and thrusted her hips in the air one more time. “Cameron!” she cried out as she went over.

At the feeling of her convulsing around me, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I dropped my head to her shoulders, pushed myself into her one more time, and let myself go. My orgasm overtook me and I cried out into her neck as I went over. Sydney held me as we went over, her body contracting mixing with my own.

Spent, I dropped down next to her, careful to keep my weight off of her. I could hardly move, I certainly couldn’t think. My body and mind couldn’t comprehend what had just happened or how truly wonderful it had been. Sydney was just as slow to come down as I was. It was a long while before she dropped her legs from around my ass. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She felt so wonderful there that if I had my way, I would never let her go.

In my mind, this was just the beginning for us. It might not have been how I wanted our first time to be but it was certainly memorable and it wasn’t going to be our last. Sydney had never done anything half way and I should have known the first time we made love would be epic. I rolled us so we were lying next to each other and I ran my hand lazily up and down her back. She shivered with little aftershocks that I felt through my entire body.

I wanted to stay with her all night. I wanted to hold her and feel her next to me. I wanted to wake up next to her and see her smiling face right before I made love to her again and again and again. Sydney dropped her head onto the spot between my neck and shoulder and I smiled, loving how right she felt there. I kept running my hand up her back as her breathing slowly went back to normal and then got deeper and deeper until she had fallen asleep.

With a content sigh, I watched her for a little while longer then followed her into slumber.

Chapter 8


It wasn’t right of me to leave Cameron sleeping on the lounger, but it was what I needed to do. I couldn’t wake up next to him. I couldn’t be a part of that couple who was found asleep on a lounger looking like they had sex on it the night before, even if that was exactly what we had done.

I woke in the middle of the night to find Cameron next to me. He had buttoned up his shorts and had straightened out my dress so if anyone came by us, we would only look like we had drunkenly fallen asleep on the lounger. I doubt anyone would have believed that. It didn’t matter, I wasn’t going to give anyone the chance to know or comment. I didn’t need the looks, the scrutiny, nor did I want to have to see Cameron in the morning.

It was a cowardly way out when I went back to my room. The resort was deserted as I walked back to my room carrying my shoes. It was still dark outside and I had no idea what time it was. I was just glad it was late enough that no one would see my walk of shame.

When I got back to my room, I closed the door and leaned up against it. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face at the thought of being with Cameron. It was amazing. I had always thought he would be a skilled and amazing lover. I could never have thought in my wildest dreams it would have been that good. It wasn’t just because he was a good lover but I felt there was a deeper connection with us because we had known each other for so long. I felt more connected to him than I had any other man I had been with. It had been sexy, exciting, yet so very easy to be with him.

It should have felt awkward, I should have been shy. I normally was when it came to being in bed with a man. I wasn't any of that with Cameron. For the first time in my sexual life, I spoke my mind. I said what I wanted, I took what I needed, and it was glorious.

No matter what happened next, I knew I would never regret sleeping with Cameron. It was a night I would never forget and as I took a quick shower and then went to bed, I kept smiling.

I thought about what he said to me. I had always known he had a softer side to him. He tried to hide it as a doctor and with the women he had been with. He was different with me. He had always been different with me. I could see he allowed himself to be vulnerable. It was that vulnerability that made what we did even more special. I could see in how he was that everything he said to me was true. I was different, I was special, and he cared about me more than he had any other woman.

Which was exactly why it could never happen again.

Cameron was a man who had and would continue to do great things. He wanted to do research, he would invent things and change the way the world looked at medicine. I could see him revolutionizing surgeries and making them safer and easier to recover from. In order to do that, he couldn’t have a scandal involved with his life. If he were to get involved with me that is exactly what would happen.

Our parents were married. They might have gotten together when we were adults but people might not see that or not care. They would think he was doing something wrong and if he was with his personal life then he might be doing the same in his professional life. I cared about Cameron too much to get involved with him. As much as I hated it, I knew our first night together would also be our last.

Sleep was slow to come, if at all. I tossed and turned as I thought about the man I had shared an incredible evening with and what I would have to tell him in the morning. I hated that I would hurt him. I wanted to do anything I could to prevent it. It was only because I knew this was the best thing for him that I knew I had to do it.

I was groggy and slow to get to breakfast in the morning. Normally, Laura would come to my room and get me. That she didn’t make me think she knew that something had happened between me and Cameron or she was leaving me alone because she thought I was sick. She and Alison were already sitting by the beach where the breakfast buffet was when I showed up.

“Well, good morning to you,” Alison said as I came and sat with them. The server was quick to come over with a cup of coffee for me which I gladly took.

“Dang, you look horrible. You still aren’t feeling well? I knew I should have taken care of you last night,” Laura said and rubbed my arm.

“No. I’m good. Just tired. I was up late last night and then didn’t sleep well. I’ll be fine when I get some coffee in me.”

“You aren’t the only one who must have had a late night. We haven’t seen Cameron yet. I wonder if that’s a coincidence,” Alison smiled at me but she looked over my shoulder and I turned to see Cameron walking towards us.
