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“I’m fine. The room isn’t that far. I’m going to take a shower and then crawl into bed. I’m more than capable of handling that on my own. Have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.

Sydney didn’t look at me as she walked out of the restaurant. I watched her go and it was only when she was gone that Alison said, “I wonder what that was all about.”

“Yeah, I wonder,” Laura said and glared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Never mind. Are you ready to go to the bar?” Laura asked.

“Let’s,” I said and walked with Laura and Alison out of the restaurant and down the beach to the bar.

We had been to it many times as it was one of the few that was open late. There was another bar on the other side of the resort that was quieter and didn’t have any music. The older people tended to go there when they wanted a drink and to avoid the crowds or louder, younger kids.

The other bar was outside but far enough away that it didn’t bother any of the guests. The DJ usually had some good music to dance to, the drinks were a little more potent than they were during the day, and there was always a show. That night there was a magic show. I listened to Alison and Laura as they chatted as we walked over there with half an ear. I kept thinking about Sydney and wondering if she was okay.

We got into the bar and Alison was quick to order us all a drink. She knew what I liked and I thanked her when she handed it to me. I turned around and looked around the bar, noticing the beautiful stars in the sky and how the cool breeze made for a very pleasant evening. I checked out the other people who were there, noticing a few of the women. One in particular caught my eye, or I caught hers as she lifted her glass and smiled at me.

“That didn’t take long,” Laura said as she stood next to me.

“What didn’t?” I asked and took a sip of my beer.

“For you to get picked up by a woman. First, Trina and now that one. You’re going to have them all eating out of your hand by the end of the trip. Or somewhere else,” Laura said with a laugh.

“I only talked to Trina because Sydney wanted me to,” I admitted.

We had to yell over the music and I could tell that Laura thought she hadn’t heard me right because she leaned in and yelled into my ear, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Trina. Sydney set me up with her. It was the only reason I even talked to her.”

“Sydney was just being nice. You could have told Trina no or walked away. You certainly looked chummy with her at the volleyball court. We could all see that, including Sydney.”

“Isn’t that what she wanted?”

The only reason I could think that Sydney would set me up with anyone was because she wanted me to be with them. She had never played wing woman for me before and it didn’t make sense why she had now.

“Maybe, at first. She didn’t like seeing you two flirting. Like at all,” Laura said and leaned back to look at me.

“What are you saying?” I asked.

“What do you think?” Laura countered.

“I have no idea. That’s why I’m asking.”

“Sydney was jealous of you two. There’s only one reason why she would be like that. It’s the same reason why she didn’t touch anything at dinner tonight and went to bed early. She’s confused about you and what she’s feeling. How you were with Trina and how you have been treating Syd isn’t helping her at all.”

“Me? What did I do?” I knew exactly what I had done and I felt guilty about it.

“Don’t be an asshole. Not to me and certainly not to Sydney. I saw how you were looking at her earlier. I saw how you tried to make her jealous with Trina. Guess what, it worked. Maybe a little too well because she thinks she doesn’t have a chance with you.”

“Does she want a chance with me?”

I wanted to believe that I did but everything that Sydney had been doing and said told me otherwise. No one knew her better than Laura and if she was saying Sydney had been jealous, I was inclined to believe her.

“Honestly, I don’t think even Sydney knows the answer to that one,” Laura said.

“Great, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that?” I asked.

“Go and talk to her, find out what she wants. Before you do, you should be clear about what you want.”
